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Elianna's POV

8 months later

I screamed in pain as I held on to the huge bump in front of me.

"You told me you packed the bag months ago!" I shouted at him as he ran around like a headless chicken trying to pack the hospital bag.

"I thought I did," he said as he stuffed some clothes into the bag.

My water had broke around ten minutes ago.

I can't believe the time was finally here. I was going to be a mom.

Enzo was going to be a dad.

I started waddling my way to the car.

He quickly ran past me and brought the car in front.

He ran back to me and lifted me up.

"Enzo!" I shouted as I got caught off guard.

He put me in the front seat and buckled me in before kissing my cheek.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll get you to that hospital in no time," he smiled before closing the door and running around to his side.

I held on to the seatbelt as he began driving like a maniac.

He had a big smile on his face.

He was excited about this baby.

He wanted to be a good father even though he is not that good with kids.

I can see has been trying.

He worked things out with Isabella's mom so that he could take her to the park every Friday.

He promised her that when the baby is born, he will carry the both of them to the park together.

Enzo made us join around five different parenting classes and I even caught him watching a video on how to be a good dad.

He was really supportive throughout my pregnancy.

His kindness ranged from leaving work to come cuddle me in the middle of the day to cooking the nastiest cravings I wanted in the middle of the night.

I couldn't have asked for a more supportive husband.

He held my hand tight as he sped up. "We're almost there, Elianna."

"Enzo, there is something I need to tell you," I said as my heart beat accelerated.

I haven't told him as yet.

"Go ahead, amore mio," he said with a smile while kissing my hand.

"My mom died in childbirth."

He sighed. "Elianna-"

"Just promise me if I don't make it-"

"Stop!" He shouted. "Nothing is going to happen. Just because your mother did does not mean you will too."

"I know but just incase..."

He shook his head. "Everything is going to be okay."

My papa told my mom that and it wasn't true.

Everything was not okay.

I was scared. I was terrified actually.

That thought kept me up at night but I just told him it was the baby kicking.

I wiped my eyes as I looked down on my big belly.

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