We all goin' die!

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Just outside Runepolis, Holy Milishial Empire
April 19, Central Calendar Year 1639
2:15 am

Antonio Aceto had always been very interested in space (and I mean very interested) ever since he learnt about it and it had intrigued him. It made him want to learn as much about the planets as possible and he was very rigorous in doing so. A rather notable astronomer of the mighty Holy Milishal Empire. He had made his money working with the scientists of the nation to try to get a person into space, not that any attempts were successful. With his money, he built his own observatory and telescope.

Sitting at his observatory and looking through his telescope at the planets, Antonio was suddenly disturbed a bright flash—in the night sky—that caused him to recoil in pain due to the light being focused through his telescope and directed into his eye.

The light was left unnoticed by most people who were either left asleep in the streets below or too busy getting drunk at a bar, but not Antonio. Soon after recovering from the sudden and unexpected optical attack, Antonio got back to work. Turning the telescope towards the origin of the light source. What he saw shocked him.

Magicaregia, Annonrial Empire

"Your highness!" Shouts an unnamed aide for the Emperor of the Annorial Empire.

"What?" Replies the emperor, in a rather annoyed tone.

"The gods have gotten wind of our plans."

This intrigues the emperor as he asks the aide, "And what do you mean by that?"

Cartalpas, Holy Milishial Empire
Exactly 1:46:31 pm

Cartalpas, a major trade hub and a part of the Holy Milishal Empire. Merchants from many places would gather in the bars of the city and talk and gossip. There was one such bar that was rather well known to many. A useful location for those who need to know things.

The mood inside the bar was rather likely and lighthearted. Alcoholic drinks were being drunk, chatter being made and a trio of children stacked one on top of each other in a cloak try to sneak in only to get caught by a drunken dwarf.

Suddenly everyone quieted down and looked at the magical screen in the room. The program was a news program. On the screen, a beautiful female elf that would make any man want to [DATA EXPUNGED]. Anyways... Yea... Ummm... So, the female elf on the magical screen was looking rather sad. Like the whole world was going to die in a giant fireball. And that was because she was correct.

The bar patrons listen to what the distraught news reporter had to say, "Roughly 1 hour ago a shocking discovery was made by astronomer Antonio Aceto. A large rock with a diameter of about 3,792 miles in diameter is headed towards us. We are all going to die!"

There was silence in the bar. No one new what to say. Then, all hell broke lose.

In the chaos one dwarf is heard making a slight remark, "At least it isn't the sun."

Space, Theia

As the large mass of rock and imminent doom known to the humans of Earth as Theia approaches, at a speed between that of an incoming asteroid and one of those farts you just don't expect but they happen anyways, the gravity well of the planet starts to affect the moons of Elysia.

As the moon enters the Roche limit of Thea the gravitational forces of the summoned planet rip apart the mass of silicates and metals. (RIP moon of Elysia you will be missed). The citizens of the planet below watch as the spectacle happens in front of their own eyes in real time.

By sheer chance, the event led straight to a second more spectacular one. The other moon of Elysia was lined up in the correct place to be in the direct path of Theia.

The citizens of the new world watch as the heavens break before them, the moon shatters and Theia is visible in the rubble like the Kool-Aid Man after bursting through a wall. Everyone prays to the gods, but they don't listen. The new world is a lost cause.

just outside Runepolis, Holy Milishial Empire

"And this is it," muttered Antonio Aceto to himself, "Why is this how it has to end? Why can't I watch my planets in peace?"

And then death finally comes. The impact felt through the entire planet; Everyone is vaporised by the energy generated.

The last thing Antonio saw was his self made collection of anthropomorphic planet hentai. Only then does he realise just why the world had to end.

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