Chapter 4 - System

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"--y a-e y-o- aw-k- -et?" I thought I heard some say.

"Mmmm?" I mumbled in response, still half asleep.

"Come on! Wake up already!" The voice excitedly yelled. I then felt someone start to shake me.

"Mmmhmmm, what time is it?" I slowly asked the person who was shaking me, still wanting more sleep.

"It's 12:30!" The voice cheerfully responded.

"5 more minutes." I requested.

"No! It's time to wake up now!" I felt someone grabbing my arm, trying to pull me up. The pulling made me start to wake up fully, and I saw the person who was trying to wake me up.

It was a girl with wavy leaf green hair that reached her shoulders and dark green eyes. She was wearing a yellow shirt with diamond-shaped green buttons, baggy sleeves, and a green collar with black on the edges of the collar and a yellow stripe around above where the black started and a green skirt with a rose pattern. Atop her head sat a black hat with a yellow ribbon tied around it, just above the brim of the hat. She had some sort of purple cord attached to her heels that seemed to levitate a few inches away from her body as it moved upwards towards a spherical object positioned over her heart. That object to me looked like a closed eye. The girl looked at me with a smile on her face and started to dance around.

"Yay! She's finally awake!" The girl gleefully shouted.

Still groggy from having just woken up, I confusedly looked at the girl before moving my gaze to where I was. The bed I was laying on had pure white sheets and was soft enough to make anyone immediately fall asleep if they laid on top of it. The room was covered with a white carpet, and the room itself was spacious with plenty of room to put more furniture or to move around in. There was a painting embroidered with gold on the wall, a bookshelf filled with books, and a desk near one of the corners of the room. To me, it looked like a bedroom that was fit for a royal, which made me confused why I was placed here.

I stretched, but when I did, I felt a slight discomfort in my body. I was unsure as to what was causing that discomfort, but I decided to pay it no mind. I then looked back at the girl, who was still joyfully hopping around the room. It was at this moment that I realized that I did not know who this person was.

'It seems that I was not fully awake yet, as my mind was still half-asleep if I didn't realize that there was someone that I did not know. H-how should I interact with her? She seems friendly, but I still don't want to talk to people I do not know. W-well, if she doesn't talk to me, then I won't initiate a conversation with her, but i-if I have to, t-then what? I-I could keep quiet, but that seems disrespectful. I assume that this girl helped take care of me when I was unconscious, so I don't want to be too rude to her. Ahhh, what should I do?' I started to panic.

My eyes darted around the entire room as panic gripped my body, my breathing accelerated, and I felt like my heart was about to fly out of my chest.

'I'll be fine, I'll be fine!' I tried to convince myself to calm down, which helped a bit. I took deep breaths to attempt to bring down my heart rate to normal, and I finally began to relax.

'Who is this person and where am I?' I thought to myself after having achieved clearer mind. Suddenly I heard a quiet pop sound. Confused at where the sound came from, I looked around the room again before looking down towards the bedsheets I was laying on. I saw another transparent window, like the ones that had shown up during the evolution process. Focusing my attention on the window, I saw the words

Evolution Completed

Host Ayaka has evolved to an Underworld Chimera

Granting Benefits

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