Chapter 11 - Sun Sign [Red Giant]

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I woke up in a very familiar bed... It's almost like this same thing hasn't happened to me 4 times already. This time, when I woke up, I felt an unfamiliar energy inside my body. It felt like the danmaku energy I had, but also fairly different.

'Hmmm, weird, I don't know where this energy came from or what any of its characteristics are. It feels similar to the danmaku energy I have already attained a decent level of comprehension for. Maybe this energy shares properties with that energy. I'll have to test it.' I theorized in my head before I sat up.

As I did, I saw a screen appear in front of me before Mio's voice sounded in my head.

Species Augmentation Completed

Species Has Become Chireiden Chimera (One-Tailed)

Capabilities Enhanced

Gained {skill} Lesser Nuclear Manipulation

Gained {title} Spirit Seer

Skill Quiet Presence Has Been Upgraded

I clicked on each of the gains I got from the augmentation, and a small screen appeared for each of them.

Lesser Nuclear Manipulation: Allows for a small amount of control over nuclear energy, more specifically, nuclear fusion.

Spirit Seer: A title given to those who have the capability to communicate with spirits. Allows for communication and understanding with spirits.

Quiet Presence+: Makes the user harder to detect by eliminating the sounds of heartbeat and footsteps. Prevents the mind from being read. (New)

'Interesting, so as a result of making a family bond, my Species got augmented which gave me several things. Based on the fact that this enhancement came from a family bond, I'd assume that all these things are lesser versions of the abilities that my new family has. By that logic, Spirit Seer probably came from Orin's Power and Quiet Presence is an upgrade of the ability I derived from Koishi's, but where did this Lesser Nuclear Manipulation come from?' I thought about it for several moments.

'Well, following this logic, it could only be either big sis or Okuu. I doubt that big sis had any ability related to nuclear energy, so then it could only be Okuu, but I remember that Mio said that Okuu did not have any powers, so where did this power come from? Actually, thinking about it, Okuu looked a bit different the last time I saw her. One of her feet had turned to stone and the other had two atomic models orbiting around it. She also had a giant orange cannon-like object on her arm. Could this change in appearance be related to the origins of this skill? I'll have to ask her about this later.' I concluded my thinking while I slowly got out of bed.

I looked down at what I was wearing and found that I was wearing some kind of white pajamas. I saw my usual white dress laying on the desk in the corner of the room. I went over to grab it and saw my reflection in the mirror that Koishi had brought when I first awoke in here that was right next to my desk.

'Hmm, I seem to have grown a few centimeters since I last saw myself. I'm still growing! Maybe I'll be as tall as Orin in the future! Well, I should get focused again and change my clothes. I want to see my family again!' I quickly changed my clothes and walked out the door to the royal chambers hallway.

There, I saw all my family gathered there, engaged in a conversation while looking at a piece of paper. I stood in front of my door for a bit before Koishi noticed me.

"Hey lil sis, come join us! We were talking about an invitation we got!" Sis called out toward me.

"An invitation? What for?" I asked while slowly walking towards them.

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