Chapter 15 - Youkai Mountain

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New Quest Available

-From Outside to Inside

Would You Like to Accept the Quest?

Yes                                                               No

A screen appeared in front of me. Before clicking one of the options, I clicked the quest name so that I could see what the details of the quest were. As soon as I did so, another window appeared and displayed the conditions for completing the quest.

Quest Details: Find more information about how the people from the Moriya Shrine entered Gensokyo from the Outside World.

Conditions: Obtain information from Kanako Yasaka

Quest Completion Reward: System Upgrade

Quest Failure Punishment: System Forced Sleep Mode for 72 hours

'Okay, so this quest is perfectly suited for what we are just about to do and the punishment itself is decently lax compared to the other punishments. I don't know precisely what it means by forced sleep mode, but I would imagine it is probably similar to the sleep mode of a computer so I'd imagine that it means nothing involving the system will be available including talking to Miu, receiving quests, and getting analyses from Mio. If it was only that then it isn't too much of an issue. I've lived for 11 years without a system, how bad could another 3 days be without it? Wait, why am I assuming that I'll fail this quest? The conditions seem relatively easy, I just have to get information meaning I could just ask this Kanako Yasaka person. Actually, this might be harder than I thought if I had to talk to this person. I hope that one of my family could do the talking for me.' I hoped in my head. 'Anyways, I should at least get a bit more information about this person so I can get a sense of who we will be dealing with. Mio, could you tell me a bit about Kanako Yasaka?' I requested Mio.


Kanako Yasaka: The current goddess of the Moriya Shrine and the Goddess of wind and rain. She desires to collect a massive amount of faith and treats religion like a business. Most of her actions and decisions are centered around gaining faith. As the Goddess of wind and rain, she has the ability to manipulate both of them, having the power to generate disastrous tornadoes and torrential rainfalls.

'Thanks, Mio.' I thanked Mio before I analyzed the information she gave me and quickly selected the yes option on the screen. 'So we will be dealing with a Goddess with a frankly terrifying power. How will we deal with giant tornadoes combined with lowered visibility due to the rain? Hopefully, we won't have to fight her, or else this could get a bit sketchy. I'm glad that the quest was not to defeat her in a battle and just to obtain information from her. Reading this information, it should not be too hard to offer something to trade for information. We just have to trade faith for information, but how can we gather faith in the first place? I'll think about this issue later, we are almost at the surface, so I should pay more attention to my surroundings lest I walk straight into another wall.'

This time, I made sure to watch where I was going and soon we reached the wall where I had almost accidentally walked into. I started flying and quickly reached the mouth of the cave and out onto the Surface. I looked around the lush landscape for where Youkai Mountain could be. By the name, it was apparent that it would be a mountain so I looked around the area for any mountains. Doing this, I saw a towering mountain whose peak could not be seen because the mountain continued into the clouds. I pointed my finger at it and all of my family looked in the direction of my finger.

"Do you think that is Youkai Mountain?" I asked with a bit of uncertainty in my voice.

"It probably is. After all, it is the only mountain I can see from here. Oh well, only one way to find out. Let's go check it out." Orin responded while starting to fly toward the mountain.

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