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PROLOGUE - Toadstar

Toadstar stared at his paws, frustrated. Why was Lightstep so independent? Why couldn't she just obey him? He lashed his tail angrily as he heard paw steps approaching his den. "T-Toadstar?"

"Yes?" He growled.

"I- I just wanted to say sorry..."

Toadstar scowled. Lightstep's pathetic mews of apology echoed through the den, whilst he was unaffected.

"Sorry? Only now you're sorry!?" He lashed his tail once more. "You disobeyed my orders!" Lightstep stared down at her paws.

"Yes, Toadstar, but I was looking for the best of the Clan! I'm sorry, I really am, but I think I did the right thing," she mewed quietly. Toadstar rolled his eyes.

"Better of the Clan? You say that like I don't even matter to you. This is useless." He pushed Lightstep out of his way as he stormed out of the den, walking out of the camp. Was she right? Am I not worth anything to her? Sadness briefly gripped his heart before he shook it off.

She said sorry! Of course I'm worth something to her! And remember Toadstar, you. Don't. Care. He shook his head to clear his mind.

As he skidded to the top of the outlook rock, he peered at the cold forest that surrounded him. He thought with a fiery rage about his interactions with his mate. She just HAD to go behind my back. It's like she doesn't even love me! He thought.

As he was thinking about her, he heard her voice echoing off the trees. "Toadstar, please! I love you!" She called. Toadstar decided to talk to her at least one more time.

"Okay. Come here," he said flatly. Lightstep skidded to a stop to sit beside him.

"Listen, Toadstar, I'm sorry! I just thought that since Appletail was stranded in the middle of SkyClan territory, I would bring him to the SkyClan medicine cat. I'm sorry that you didn't want that. I thought since you were Clan leader, you would only want what's best for the Clan!" She said quickly.

"Yeah- but- it was enemy territory! You- you can't... You disobeyed me when I told you no!" Toadstar sneered. "It's- I feel like- You don't even care about me."

"N-no! No! No, no, no no... I care about you so much! Toadstep- Toadstar- ever since we were kits- I... I would never stop caring about you! I think about you constantly!" She mewed pathetically, squealing and crying.

Toadstar was honored, but he could only snarl. "Well your actions say the opposite."

"No! Toadstar, stop saying that!"

"YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" He growled, unsheathing his claws from anger. Toadstar lifted his paw, seething with rage. "You are not the leader of ShadowClan!"

He raked Lightstep's muzzle. Blood started to stream down at once. He realized how deep a wound that must have been. Toadstar let tears run down his cheek as he stared at his paws, looking at what he had done. "Lightstep... I am so, so sorry," he said quietly.

But Lightstep didn't say anything. Her eyes were wide with shock and she looked so taken aback, she didn't realize that Toadstar was apologizing. "We, you and me, we will never let things get that bad ever again." He twined his tail with hers.

Lightstep started to sob, hugging Toadstar. "Promise?" She hiccuped through tears.

Toadstar nodded slowly. "Never, ever again," He mewed softly.

He knew it would be an empty promise.

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