𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧𓇽

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I was relaxing at home, in my bed thinking about what happened two days ago. How could I be so stupid, trusting JJ when there was obviously something going on with him and Kiara. I just don't understand why he said all those things, why he hung out with me, why he kissed me and why he even wanted to know Diego. It just doesn't make sense. Why would he do all these things if he liked Kiara. I just don't know what to think. I am stupid for trusting JJ, or do I trust him enough to know it wasn't what it looked like. I like him, a lot. I simply don't see how we can overcome this Kiara situation. Especially with her being apart of the Pogues and me being the new girl that no one really knows. I would just have to let him go, so everyone else is freed from this drama.

My phone vibrated and I saw a text from Rafe.

"Yo, wna come over and hang with me? It'll get your mind off things bcs ik ur thinking about JJ rn"

I was still shocked at how nice this Rafe was acting. JJ told me he was a psycho, but why should I trust him. I said I'd be over in 20 minutes and got myself ready. Diego was at his friend's house again today and I would have to go pick him up tonight after supper.

I started my walk to the Cameron's and saw John B at the market. I immediately covered my face and started walking faster. He noticed me though and tried to catch up to me.

"Brie! Brie!"

I continued to walk, acting like I couldn't hear him. My hands started to shake, worried I would run into the rest of the Pogues. I was trying to avoid them. Not cause any more trouble then I already have. It truly ached knowing I wouldn't be able to spend anymore time with them.

"Briella! Look, just let him talk to you, ok? He is a mess, like it's really bad."

I never stopped walking, but his words had me wondering. Was John B lying or exaggerating? Or was JJ a mess right now because of what happened. I didn't want to think about it, knowing I couldn't go back to that friend group. It was a great experience, perfect to get me started in obx, but it was a short experience as well. I had to move on, quickly. Save myself for unwanted stress and drama, and save them from that too. They were problem free before me, so they would be after.

I continued to make my way to the rich side of the island. Even if JJ were a mess, I couldn't come between him and Kiara, because her feelings for him were obviously not going away. I'm the new girl in her territory and if she wanted JJ then she obviously would get him. No matter his feelings or mine. I would have to accept that and move on. It wouldn't be hard to find new friends, especially if I was going to be spending more time with Rafe.

I got to the door and rang the bell. Rafe was quick to answer with a huge smile on his face and a drink in his hands. He was wearing nice navy dress shorts with a tight button up white shirt. He looked all put together, in nice, expensive clothes. Then there was me, with my cheap joggers and baggy shirt with my heart in a knotted bun on the top of my head.

"Um, sorry. I kinda look like a mess right now."

"Don't worry Brie, you always look hot. Come in"

That comment made me blush, but more in embarrassment then adoration. I followed him into his huge house, and he brought me to his kitchen. The size of his fridge amazed me, and he had a whole closet of food. I think he could tell I was shocked. My house in LA was beautiful, but not this big.

"Never seen a mansion before miss LA?"-Rafe

"Umm, my mom was the one with the money. Now its just my dad and we don't have a kitchen that looks anything like this."

"Oh shit, I didn't know. You want anything?" he asked, a tint of worry in his voice

"Oh no I'm fine."

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