Gerard the master of the wicket

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'Dum dee dum'

I say out loud to vocalize my easy-goingness,

I saunter on through the alleyways that wind through the streets of New Jersey. I'm a wee bit peckish, and my stomach grumbles at its emptiness.

I walk past the bars, the restaurants, and the convenience stores
None of them really challenged my appetite.

Nope, not this guy.

I wander into some alleyway and immediately spot a cat. It was a fluffy cat with gray fur and a patchy tail.
I suppose this is my lucky day
because I do indeed
for your information, adore cats.
I approach polity, hold my hand above its fluffy head, and when the cat doesn't flinch, I proceed to pet it .
The cat then looked at me as it walked over to a boarded window.
The cat barely nudged it before the boards detached from the wall, opening the window.

This cat has shown me a window.

It is a GIFT.

"Thank you so much Ebenezer!!"
I say to the cat (Ebenezer)
I crouch down and scurry through the window, falling when I realized it was a basement.


I thunk on to the ground, and Ebenezer thunks onto my back.


Luckily my cape broke a bit of my fall,
Though I had nocked my freaking bowtie askew.

I got up and dusted my cool suit and re-slicked my hair.

Ebenezer mewed up at me, so I knelt to face the kind gentleman.

"I have a question Ebenezer,
have you seen any.. humans around?"

I take a gander at my surroundings, seems like an old stinky basement, a couple guitars lying around, and a Weezer poster.

I'm kind of tired now so I feel like falling asleep.
I place all of the guitars on the wall beside the bed and leap in to the bed,
I'm very tired,
and it's almost morning after all.

                            Franklin pov     

After a very long night shift at the music store I hang up my coat by my front door and throw my keys on the counter.
Sleeping in the morning kind of sucks, I mean who wants to do that?
Also why would a music store even need a night shift?                         
"This is is so bullshit"
I say wile going downstairs to my room.

The door creeks open and in front I see my gray cat.

Wait a minute, I don't have a gray cat,
Who's fucking cat is this?

The cat meows at me for some reason, like I know what the hell I'm going to do with it, I lean down to give the pet on the head but then I noticed my bed.

There's some guy.

in MY bed.

What the HELL??
Who is this guy?? Why is he sprawled eagle on my own personal bed???

I step in to take a closer look,
This guy's got a fucking cape. who wears a cape??
Apparently the same guy with a fancy white suit vest and funky ass jewelry. He looked like some out of place Butler.

He just kept lying there snoring away,
Honk shoe after honk fucking shoe,
And I'm getting fuckin pissed.

So I ready my aim and slap him in the damn face.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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hey that was my vampire money give it back 😡Where stories live. Discover now