The perfect evening

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After the chilling encounter with Sound last night, Win quickly decided to go to bed after taking a shower.

Sound kept giggling the whole time as he saw Win panic like a baby when they loose a toy. Sound came out of the shower and wasn't surprised to see Win go to bed and pretend to sleep.

"hmm, how strong you are!", Sound murmured under his breath with a smirk.

Sound then got into the bed and wrapped himself in a separate comforter as he saw Win already curling up in another one turning on the opposite side of the bed.

He softly moves towards Win's ear and whispers,
"sweet night na!"

Win could feel the chills as Sound whispered under his ear, he obviously wasn't sleeping and it would be very awkward if he reacted to Sound's movement as he was apparantly sleeping.

But Sound knew very well what he was doing and he also knew that the other boy wasn't sleeping at all.


Win got up before Sound and was kind of surprised to find Sound curled up inside the comforter as the perfectionist Sound he knew would always be very punctual and the first to do anything.

But today was different, he didn't seem to move, he just kept turning and tossing around in his sleep and seemed uncomfortable.

"Ai Sound get up it's morning, we need to leave for Bangkok", Win casually pushed Sound's arms to wake him up but as he touched his arms, he felt like he touched a hot pan.

Win quickly started checking on Sound by flipping him over and checking the temperature of his forehead, cheeks and neck. He was burning. His whole face turned red and Win now knew the reason of Sound's discomfort in his sleep.

"Shit he has a fever and we need to leave in an hour!", Win started panicking.

Win decided not to call anyone as it would be a chaos which would lead to a delay in their return. He quickly grabbed a towel, soaked it in cold water and started putting it on Sound's forehead in order to calm the temperature. After 3 to 4 rounds, he tried to wake Sound up and give him some pills which he luckily carried for the trip.

"Sound get up and take some pills, you have fever", Win softly said as he tried to grab Sound's shoulder to help him get up.

" I'm okay..", Sound tried to assure Win with his eyes shut.

"shut up you're not! get up and take the damn pills", Win's words seemed harsh but he rather said them in a softer tone.

Sound was then given the pills and water after which he tried to get up from the bed to get ready.

"hey wait!", Win said as he stopped Sound by holding his hand.

"will you be able to handle the journey or you want to stay here for another day and rest?", Win asked

"no I'm good, it's not a problem", Sound assured as he tried to get down from the bed but as his head was dizzy, he tripped and fell on Win's shoulder. He would definitely hurt himself if Win didn't hold him.

Win was surprised by how everything escalated so quickly but still held on to Sound making sure he's okay.

"you okay Sound?", Win asked with a concerned face.

"mm...yes", Sound still assured he was okay.

"yes my ass, how can you say you're okay when you look like you're dying in 10minutes?", Win was frustrated by how Sound always kept his weaknesses to himself and suffered alone.

I'll hit on you till your heart beats fast~ SoundWinWhere stories live. Discover now