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It was the day after Win left Sound in a confusing conclusion when Sound asked him what they were now.

It was the last day of relaxation before the band went into serious practice for the upcoming prom.

Sound knew it was his last chance to be completely engaged with Win, even though they were in the same band, he'd like to clear his feelings and also know about Win's before they started up with their band activities.

Sound was just wandering around  with his guitar in the school campus when he saw Gun and Win come towards him.

Gun seemed more excited than he usually stays. Sound was kind of confused as he didn't know what was up with these two.

"Ohh Sound my dear friend you're so secretive", said Gun as he held sound by the shoulder which made him lose his balance.

"What are you talking bout man?", Sound didn't seem to know anything around him.

"Ohoo stop hiding things now, we know it all", a hand grabbed Sound's other shoulder, it was Tinn.

"What are you-", Sound stuttered as a voice interrupted him.

"Oh God why act cool now? Yeah I told them about us. What's so hard about that?", it was Win.

"", Sound started stuttering again

"Yeah man, we already knew that this is something that you'd take like a hundred years to tell us, so I tricked Win into telling me the tea", said Gun as he patted Sound's back.

"But..I-", Sound couldn't finish when he was interrupted again.

"Oh whatever man, congratulations to you both and stop fighting for your love's sake if y'all have a bit of shame", said Gun.

"Yeah we're leaving now okay? Bye see you later!", said Tinn as he grabbed Gun's hand and they went away.

Suddenly there was an unwanted and very awkward silence between the two. The silence both of them were definitely not ready for.

"So what did you say to them?", finally Sound gathered some guts speak out.

"I said we're", Win said looking at everything around them but Sound.

"Wow you didn't tell the same to me when I asked you yesterday and now you're telling our friends already?", Sound looked like he was sulking.... something he never did.

"Ah come on don't you understand how weird I must have felt after I kis-", Win stopped as he realised his mouth slipped....again.

Sound could be seen hiding his smile.

"I.. I mean..yeah I felt awkward okay?", Win struggled to speak.

"Okay okay I get you, so isn't it awkward now? That you're talking to me?", Sound asked as he smiled but had a questioning glance towards Win.

"It is..but it's not that much I guess", Win hesitated as he replied.

"So you can tell me now right?", Sound straight up asked Win.

"Tell you what?", Win pretend to be clueless even though he wasn't.

"C'mon you know what I'm talking about...fine I'll cut short here, I love you", Sound looked confident even though he was dying.

"You wha-", Win was interrupted.

"Yeah I said what I said, now tell me", Sound seemed to be insistent.

"What am I supposed to say?", Win kept fidgeting with his hair at the back of his head trying not to smile.

"What do you mean by what are you supposed to say, don't you like me?", Sound seemed to be sulking.

"I do...I..mean I-", Win was interrupted again.

"So say it!",  Sound seemed to be complaining like a baby now.

"Okay okay I love you..", Win said in a hesitant voice as he was shy.

"Huh looks like I'm forcing you to say this to me", Sound looked annoyed as he left Win's hand to go away.

Sound couldn't even turn halfway when his hand was pulled by Win making his whole body fall on Win. They were now inches away, they were so close that they  could feel each other's breaths.

"No, you never forced me.....I said I love you cause I LOVE YOU SOUND", Win seemed very confident now.

"Wh- what are you-", Sound started stuttering as he was feel awkward after noticing the stares they were getting from everyone around them.

"Stop looking here and there and look at me", Win stared at Sound like he would gulp the whole of him right now.

"Wh- okay..I get it everyone's watching you jackass let's go now", Sound said as he pulled Win to run to the class.

"Ohooo here they are! What were you doing for this long jaa-", Gun started his ugly teasing but was stopped as Tinn stopped hiw mouth with his hand

"Stop annoying them and go study", Tinn said.

After two periods and two hours of music practice, the students got the recess. Sound and Win decided to have lunch so they left the class together. They were feeling a bit uncomfortable as everyone around them seemed to be gossiping......about them.

"Hey what's going on?", Win asked Sound

"I don't know either man", Sound replied.

One thing they noticed was all the students were looking at their phones and then looking back at them again, they figured that there could be something on their phone.

Just as they were figuring out what happened, Gun came running to show them something.

"Hey look at this", Gun showed them the phone which had a photo posted. The photo where they both were holding hands and it definitely didn't look like they were friends. So that excuse would easily go in vain.

"Shit what do we do now?"


Hey readers! It's been such a long time since I last posted. I have been very busy with my studies and there's also a lot going on around me so I couldn't update this story. If there are people who actually remembered and waited for an update, I'm really sorry to all of you. There are two more parts left which I'll be posting soon. Please stay tuned and if you liked this part, do leave a vote and if there are mistakes in this part, don't hesitate to rectify them in the comments below.
See y'all soon! Byee<33

I'll hit on you till your heart beats fast~ SoundWinWhere stories live. Discover now