Chapter 8 - Jealousy

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The alarm rang out loudly against the silent atmosphere of the hotel room, awaking me from my deep slumber. I was still cuddled comfortably in Reiten's arms and felt her chest rise and fall as if in a beautiful symphony which indicated she was still sound asleep. Slowly, I turned my head and watched her (in the least creepy way) and my eyes traced her perfect features. God, she was pretty. Wait, do I like her? Even more, do I like her in a more than friends' way? Suddenly, Guro's eyelids opened to reveal her stunning hazel eyes and she croaked in a sleepy voice, "take a picture it'll last longer." I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, blatantly avoiding replying to that. "Come on we need to get up, we're already late." I commented, attempting to peel her arms off me. "Just 10 more minutes." Guro begged, clinging onto me tighter. I shook my head and managed to wriggle free. "You'll be the death of me Reiten." I chuckled, heading to the bathroom.

The cold Norwegian air hit me like a bullet as I jogged out to join the girls on the training ground. Today's session was out of possession, so I was rather looking forward to showing up some of our lethal attackers, even if I wouldn't admit it out loud. As I approached the crowd, Hansen came over in a cute grey beanie and gave me a hug that warmed up my body temperature a bit. As we embraced, a million wolf-whistles filled the freezing atmosphere. We broke apart with flushed faces and annoyed faces, "Give over" Hansen giggled glancing over at my bemused expression and I added on, "grow up." The group booed and returned to their stretches, chatter erupting between them. The only person who stood lifeless, was Guro who was frantically scratching the back of her neck like an anxious reflex. I wanted to go over to her, question why she was being so awkward, but I didn't, I stayed with Hansen, exchanging family gossip and her cousin's engagement.

Sweat dripped off my face as the group reconvened, ready for feedback from the drill by our coach. I really liked what we had been doing, a simple tackle box race where I had dominated. Nobody had gotten past me, no matter the ability or speed which reconfirmed my starting XI place as left back. I crossed my arms and took a couple of tired breaths when I felt a body hug me from behind. "You were so good..." Hansen whispered, giving me a light kiss on the cheek. I smiled and thanked her, unsure of how to respond. I turned back around and caught Guro's eye nervously, and I could see the anger brewing within her. Her immaculate forehead was now littered with lines and plump lips pursed. Selfishly, I didn't move away from Hansen as I found satisfaction in her clear jealousy and anger. This pissed her off even more, which was evident in the way she stormed off, alone, at the end of the session to which I excused myself from my mates to swiftly follow her.

I followed her all the way to our room to which she slammed the door in my face. Rude. I swung open the door dramatically and came into our room with as much frustration as she did. "What the fuck Ida like actually what the fuck." Guro practically screamed which took me by surprise. "I've done nothing wrong." I answered calmly, which made her angrier. "You and Hansen." she practically spat out my best friend's name in disgust. I grabbed her body and pushed her against the wall, "Don't ever say my best mate's name like that. Like she's shit on the bottom of your shoe." I warned her. "she's not your best mate is she, she's more like your girlfriend, she can't keep her hands off you for even a second." she shouted, her lips close to mine. "Is this what this is about... are you...jealous?" I softly said, my breath catching in my throat. She took a gulp, the lump visible in her throat. "How do we go from cuddling in bed to pretending we hate each other the next day, it doesn't make sense." she calmed down, glancing hesitantly at my lips. "If it helps, I don't think I hate you anymore." was the last thing I said before I triggered the kiss. Our lips wrapped around eachother and fit perfectly like a jigsaw in one of the most magical moments I had experienced. This time, I took control of the kiss, tongue dominating hers and using my hands to press hardly on her hips, to push her further into the wall which made her smile into our kiss. Then, she craved control and used all her strength to push me back onto the bed and I fell on my back with a giggle. Reiten licked her lips and reignited the kiss quickly, shutting me up. It felt like hours before we parted, and she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as she hovered inches away from my face, "Wow." she muttered, staring into my eyes. "yeah..." I replied, unsure of what to say and still out of breath. I couldn't believe what had just happened.

The call for dinner sounded shortly after we made out. Sheepishly, we left our room and headed downstairs, with messy hair and flustered cheeks, praying nobody would notice. We were the last ones there, we noticed as we entered the hall full of our teammates. It looks like dinner was some kind of stew. After dishing up, I headed to my normal table where Hansen and Harviken were sitting, in deep conversation. Plonking my dinner tray onto the table, a similar sound reached my ears from beside me, so I looked around and saw Guro had decided to sit next to me. I couldn't contain my smile, which Hansen notice immediately, "Are you guys like friends now?" she questioned, eating a chunk of beef. I glanced at Reiten and replied, "Yeah, we are, I don't even know why we hated each other in the first place."

We all tucked into our meals hungrily and Hansen spent the entire time quizzing Reiten, obviously curious about our situation. Whilst Guro was talking about her birthplace, she lightly put her hand on my thigh and gave it a tight squeeze, realizing I was anxious about being caught. She caressed it calmly and remained talking casually, not hesitations and with a neutral expression. Whereas, I was next to her, burning up with the overwhelming feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't even process what she was saying and struggled to answer the simple questions fired at me by Hansen and Harviken. Hansen knew me too well by now to know when something was up, but she kept quiet about it which I appreciated a lot. Guro noticed me struggling with a smirk on her face so switched to grabbing my hand instead, interlocking our fingers for the first time, clearly not bothered about my sweaty palms. I coughed loudly and Guro told the others, "We're quite tired, I think we're going to go back to our room, Goodnight." She excused herself quickly and let go of my hand, indicating I should follow her. I said my brief goodbyes and practically ran to follow her, excited for the night ahead. 



Again, tysm for the reads and votes, if you're enjoying it please vote as well :)

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