Chapter 15- visitor

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I felt my body being carefully dropped on a soft surface as I finally opened my eyes. Guro had carried me all the way up the stairs like a protective mother and her gaze was now fixed on me, tears brimming in her eyes. She was sitting in the corner on a chair, snapping my hairband I had given her on her wrist anxiously. "Guro, why are you sat so far from me?" I spluttered out, voice still shaking. She fidgeted in her seat before replying, "I just thought that.... you know. You wouldn't want anyone to be near you and touch you at this minute." My heart warmed at her selflessness knowing full well that all she wanted to do was cuddle me to make it all better. I used my remaining strength to sit up, "You're the person I want to be near right now. You cuddling me would make me feel better." I stated trying to suppress a smile. At this word, she shot up like a bullet and placed a delicate hug around my waist, as if I was a piece of priceless glass. I sighed and pulled her harder on top of me, to show I wasn't this broken figure she thought I was. Believe me, I was still terrified, but I wasn't destroyed. She twisted us around so my head was on her chest, and I could hear her rapid heartbeat. She always liked to be the dominant one when we cuddled including being big spoon. I struggled but eventually I let myself be consumed into sleep.

For obvious reasons, I was excused from international duty and furthermore for obvious reasons, Riise was under fire not only just from my teammates, (especially Reiten whose shouts at her could be heard from a mile away) but from the media too, as they had found out. For the first few days after it happened, I was praying the media wouldn't get a hold of this story as I hated being in the limelight but just to my luck they did. And it blew up. Almost everywhere I looked were news headlines about it: Crazy stalker sneaks into camp was a fine example. If you read into it, people were getting it all wrong and making the most insensitive ideas up, one of which that he was secretly my secret lover that I had snuck in. How stupid was that? All this buzz and getting asked questions wherever I went, sent my mental health spiraling. And I felt myself being sucked into a black hole of depression again. The only person who was stopping me getting fully absorbed was Reiten, who had my back and defended me in person or even digitally. She would text me every night, asking how my day went and call me whenever she was available between Norway training and friendlies. These were the little things that allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel otherwise everything would be dark.

It was a Friday, the day before Norway's last friendly and I was sat on the couch doing a crossword. I know it sounds boring, but it was the only thing that would keep my mind from flashing back to that man. I also avoided going online as I always came off worse seeing all the new theories and pictures. A four letter word that means to turn around quickly in a circle, I thought hard when I heard a knock at the door. I placed the puzzle book on the wooden side-table and headed over cautiously, still feeling anxiety at it being some reporter or worse.... that man. I opened the door and a familiar face met mine.

"Kyra?" I gasped surprised.

"Hey...It's been a while." Kyra Cooney cross said with a half-smile.

After a few seasons with Stabæk, my first transfer offer came. It was from the other side of the world, down under from Melbourne victory. At first, I was unsure, it was unusual for Norwegian players to get scouted by the Aussies and it would mean I would have to leave my friends and family behind, however when I saw how much they were offering as a wage, I couldn't say no. I have to say, I fitted in nicely there not only with my position but also in off-the-field friendships. However, the closest I had to a best friend there was Kyra cooney cross. Her smile was infectious, and she always knew how to make me laugh, which is all I desired in a best mate. I also had a bit of a crush on her now I think about it. I mean, who wouldn't, she's beautiful. But believe me those feelings are long gone. When I moved to Arsenal, we vowed to stay in touch, but we never did, I hadn't even thought about her or spoken to her until that day.

"Do you want to come in?" I stuttered, still bewildered as she replied with a nod. We headed to the sofa and sat down, in awkward silence. I was still in disbelief.

"Not to sound rude Kyra, but... what are you doing here?" I said bluntly, looking into her eyes. She took a deep breath and picked at the skin of her fingers. I recognized this as her nervous habit and I took her hand into mine, getting a massive wave of deju vu. She calmed at my touch and finally spoke, "I saw what happened to you on the news. I was in the area anyway since I can't play internationally because of my foot but I wanted to say, I know what it feels like." She blurted out as if she had kept this in for a long time. I shuffled in my seat still confused, "Wait Kyra are you saying this happened to you?" She took a huge pause before responding, "Yes it did, the media didn't get hold of it which I'm grateful about." She gave me a sympathetic look as she spoke before continuing, "You remember our old manager at Victory?" she questioned as I nodded, mouth dry from fear at what she would say next.

Of course, I remember him, a big, tall kind of scary man with a loud voice. He was stern but a good coach who shaped the player I am today.

"He...he did the same thing to me." she stuttered, tear appearing in her eyes, "That's why I moved shortly after you did." Tears were now fully rolling down her face and I brought her into a huge hug. I couldn't speak, I was so shocked and angry, "Oh my god Kyra, you should have told me or atleast someone." I hummed in her ear. She shook her head, "I couldn't, he threatened to end my football career." I rolled my eyes in pure disbelief and anger, "Do you want to stay here tonight?" I asked and she gave me a small but sure smile, "Yes please."

We spent most of the time providing comfort to each other and sharing reminiscing memories of our old football days and pranks we played when we were younger. It was as if nothing ever changed between us. I liked it that way. More laughter was shared the more wine we drank, and I must admit we were both a little drunk, I hadn't even thought about that man once. God, why did I ever let her go?

It was late in the evening and Kyra had her arm around me, providing me with the same sense of security that Guro always did. I had never felt this way with anyway else before. It was weird. "You know, when we played together, I always used to have a bit of a crush on you." Kyra randomly said, running her fingers up and down my thigh, creating unexpected tingles up and down my body. "I used to have a bit of a crush on you too." I responded, blushing slightly. Before I could brace myself, I felt her lips crashing onto mine, taking me into a wild or passionate kiss. My eyes went wide and began to pull away but too late. A crash at the door made my head turn sharply to see the person I least wanted to at that moment. My girl, Guro was stood, watching.


Sorry it took my way to long to get through this writer's blockkkkk,

Even as a pure England fan I still love the matildas especially kyra so I definitely wanted to include her at some point during this story

Sooo, I've set up a little love triangle as we all know lesbians can't have a relationship without plots twists, if u want u can let me know what u think in the comments i would loveeee to hear your opinions,

Enjoy the cliff hanger ;)

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