Chapter Seventeen

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Back at the lodge, I washed up at the basin in my room, then changed back into the dress Andrea had brought me and walked downstairs. I found the staff lined up, waiting.

"Well," I said, "I'm more than a little nervous. I've never done this sort of thing before, so I hope you'll excuse any inadequacies. I think you all know who I am, but if you don't, I'm Kay, Will . . .Lord Scathelock's betrothed. Now, I'd like to ask each of you your names, what your duties cover, and if you intend to stay on here when Lady Margaret leaves."

"We have a choice?" one woman asked, surprised into speaking out of turn.

"Of course you have a choice. Remember that. All of you. That's why I asked that Lady Margaret not know about this meeting." I hesitated. I had forgotten that Andrea told me many of these were bondservants. "I may not be able to get you out of your debt of service, but I will treat you better than most, and I will let you make your own choice whenever possible. Now . . . ." I looked at a woman at the right end of the line. "Let's start with you, shall we?

What's your name?"

There were thirty staff members for the main house.

Twenty-two of them were female, eight were male. All but two of the men were leaving, along with seven women. Some of them were bondservants I said I would try to get out of service, some of them wanted to stay with Margaret. I didn't mind a smaller staff. It would be easier to keep in hand and be liked by. It would also be easier to remember their names and duties.

Andrea would stay, which made me happy. I thought she and I would be good friends, and she was already enjoying the boost in "rank" from being a favorite of mine.

After dismissing them, I got myself a cup of cool cider and sat down next to the cold hearth. The day was too warm for even a small flame to make starting the evening fire easier.

I cradled my cup in my hands and closed my eyes to think about my day. I felt I was doing okay so far, being someone who didn't know what she was doing. I had a lot to learn and discover about running a household and managing people. It was a far cry from anything I had ever experienced in my life.

The tinkle of jewelry and scuff of slippers on stone alerted me to someone's approach. Lady Margaret, no doubt. I kept my eyes closed, listening to her sit down on the bench across from me.

"Lady Kay?" Margaret asked, speaking softly.

Tempted to pretend I was sleeping, I opened my eyes instead.

"Yes?" I asked politely.

"Oh, you're awake." She looked happy to find me so.

"Yes," I repeated, and had to work to keep my tone civil. "What can I do for you?"

"Just talk. I don't often get to talk to another lady, even if you are new at it."

I got a strange feeling she was only trying to dig up some dirt on me, or just get some information about me to prattle to other people. I sighed.

She talked, and I answered some of her questions, but I left most hanging in the air, with no answer to bring them down again.

Flustered, she switched to domestic talk. So-and-so told her something, and so-and-so told her this, and so-and-so and so . . . . Having no ear for gossip, I got bored quickly.

"What do you do all day?" I asked when she paused for breath.

"Oh, whatever pleases me," she said, delighted I had taken some interest in her. "I sometimes bathe, or sleep, or eat. Sometimes I ride on the common with an escort."

I felt my eyes widen. "How do you stay so trim?" It was a wonder she wasn't a fat cow.

She leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially, "I know the church considers it a sin, but I wear a corset."

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