Wake up!

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Tw: Stockholm Syndrome, war

"Wake up, Y/n. Don't you remember just how much trouble he caused us? How he killed our parents and how he destroyed our coven!" Screamed my brother.

I get used to it at some point.

"Sammy, just give him a chance and you'll know how kind of a man he really is." I reply calmly.

"I will never give him a chance and I will never forgive him." He scoffs and closes the communication device.

"Hush baby, don't cry. Mommy will talk to your uncle and tell him to come and visit you, of course asking for your dad's permission first." I cooed at the little bundle in my arms.

Devon is a werewolf, a high rank member, the highest member. The Alpha.

He is the alpha of the Bluemoon pack and is a renowned ruthless person. His reputation of starting wars due to his power hungry nature reaches far and wide, even my home country in South America.

I live in a beautiful town in South America with my parents and younger brother. Like wolves, we live in a groups called coven. We have a leader just as wolves have alphas.

It was a beautiful day when he came to our land. Word of a ruthless alpha coming to our country spread like wildfire. Everyone was prepared for his visit, even if he was not to come to our town.

My parents and the leader were in a meeting when the sirens rang. This siren means we are at war.

The Bluemoon pack, led by Alpha Devon was killing and destroying our homes and the people in it. I rushed towards the children in hope of saving them from the massacre.

However, I was too late and the children's bodies were lying on the floor, and blood was everywhere. I mourned for the children, for the members of my coven and for my parents who were killed during the attack.

Some of us who had survived were taken as prisoners of War, including me and my brother. We were then transported all the way to North America.

We were then taken into a cell and put separately. I was put together with another female and my brother with a boy his age. We stayed in that cell for a week. We were barely fed enough food and were constantly dehydrated.

I thought I was going to die in the wretched cell, never to see sunlight again. But I was wrong.

I did see sunlight.

After a week of staying inside the cell, we were taken out of it for a trial. We were trialed due to the fact that a member of his pack losing his mate due to a person who visited from our coven had given her poison.

The one member to lose his mate was a close friend of Devon, the alpha, and told him of how he was wronged.

Thus, all of the members of the coven had to suffer. My parents had to die due to this stupid reason. And the children of our coven had to suffer  brutal deaths.

However, as soon as we were brought into the room for our trial, the alpha took a deep breath and sniffed around the room. It seems to me that he was trying to locate a smell.

He did just that and stopped smelling when he reached where I was standing. He then took a big sniff at what I was wearing and then suddenly engulfed me into a tight hug.

I was at loss for words, so is everybody. The room was silent for a whole minute.

Then before I could even  comprehend what was happening, I was wisk away and into another room.

"Dismissed" said the alpha and the other wolves scurried off.

He then set me down on a bed, refusing to let go of my hand and keep staring at me. I was nervous.

"Mine" he breathed hard.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You are mine, my mate." He whispered to my ears and smirk as he read my expression.

I know what it is, I know that it is a bad thing, especially for creatures in different realms. When was the last time two different species got together and lived happily. It must be lesser than the fingers on my left hand.

I laughed. The situation was so funny for me not to.

"You're kidding me, right?" I asked him but his serious face reflected how serious he really is.

"How is that even possible?" I asked no one.

"It is the moon goddess' decision" he said as he look at me with love in his eyes. How can he already do that, for us witches and wizards, it took around 4 to 6 months. I was speechless.

That is how we met. He was very strict at first, not letting me leave the room or see my brother. However, the maids told me that my brother is fine and is living in the pack house.

I was angry at first, then I feel sad and I was in denial. Then I came to accept this life as my own and the people of this pack as my own.

Devon has been nothing but kind to me. I did not forget for what happened though but I came to accept it. The fact that I had loss members of our coven and my parents.

Devon always make sure I was fed and well taken care of. He marked me not long after we met and ever since then my life became more controlled.

I cannot do this and that, and I have to ask for permission for everything I have to do, always. And my brother run away.

Then suddenly, I was pregnant with his child. His pup, he would call it.

My brother never came back, but we contacted several times when I was alone. Devon did not really trust him. He was afraid my brother would kidnap me, take me away from him.

He was too afraid to lose me.

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