Chapter 11

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The hospital doors slammed open, two paramedics wheeling an unconscious Grace. An oxygen mask over her face with one of them pumping it while the other keeps pressure on her gun shot wound 

"What we got?" A doctor asked 

"17 year old female, gun shot wound to the stomach. She's already lost 2 pints of blood" they wheel her into trauma 3, the doctors take over "On my count move her, 1...2..3" the doctors quickly move Grace and starts moving around her trying to find out how bad the damage is 

"We need to move her, clear an OR stat she's losing to much blood" the doctors rush towards the elevator fast as Grace heart starts beating slower and slower 


The team, Ben and Stella and Grace dance team are all in the waiting room. It's been 2 hours since the doctors took Grace up for surgery, in that time the footage of what went down has gone viral. Ben had called River and she is on her way back with Ethan 

There hasn't been any news on Grace and they are starting to get worried "Uncle Ben!" the group turned to see Ethan rushing towards Ben who quickly picked his nephew up. River, her boyfriend and two daughter rushed after him coming to a stop in front of them "How is she? Is there any news?" River asked as Ocean walked over to Ben and Ethan wanting her mate to know he's not alone

"None yet" Stella told her stepping up "Stella Murph Grace aunt. You must River" River shakes her hand giving her a small smile "Yes, nice to meet you" 

The waiting room doors opened and a doctor walked towards them "Gracelynn Swan" Everyone stood up "How is she?" Ben asked. The doctor smiled at them making them relax a little knowing he could only be smiling if something good is happening "You're niece is fine. We were able to get the bullet out without causing to much damage, now she will need to be kept here for a week or two but she should make a full recovery and be back to singing and dancing in two months" 

"Oh thank God" Stella and Ben sighed in relief happy to know their only niece is going to be okay. Ethan hugs his soulmate glade to know his mother is still with him "She's up and asking for her soulmates" 

Aaron, Derek and Spencer look at Ben wanting to know if it's okay given that he is her uncle "Go, we'll see her once you talk" The three nod and follow the doctor towards Grace room 

Grace P.O.V

I was sitting in bed waiting for my doctor to come back with my mates thinking about what I'm going to say. I stopped believing in romantic love since my father died, have never thought about finding my mates since I was raped but now there here and they say they wouldn't leave me

I want to give love a try and hope I can handle what would happen but I also know that Ethan needs to be on board, he's my son and he comes before everything always have, always will

"Grace?" Looking up I see Aaron, Derek and Spencer surrounding my bed "Hey, Grace. How you feeling?" Aaron asked moving to my right side with Derek while Spencer moves to my left "Like I was hit by a bus. What-What happened after I was s-s-shot" I stuttered out blinking away my tears 

Spencer laid his hand on mine, I stared at it for a moment and when he went to move it away I quickly grabbed his hand interlocking them together. Looking up at him I give him a small smile before looking at Derek when he started talking "Some officers took Rose away while the paramedics rushed you here. It's been about 2 hours since you went in for surgery" 

I swallowed the lump in my throat thinking Rose wondering how someone who claims to love me can hurt me so viciously "She admitted to everything. From sending the letters to shooting Daniel and we got the full confession from her about killing your father"     

"Good" I nod tears brimming my eyes. Aaron brushes away a stray tear that I didn't know even fell "I'm just glad my dad finally got justice" I smile at the three thankful that I know the truth about how he died, even if it's painful "I...uh...I asked for you three so we can talk" 

"It's alright baby, take you time" Derek rubbed my leg. I took a deep breath gathering my thoughts 

"I want this to work" I finally told them "Before I passed out the only thing I could think about was leaving my family and you guys and...and I just felt something shatter. I meant what I said when Rose isn't my sister anymore, I lost my father and my mother and I don't want to lose anyone else" I look at the three of them "I don't want to lose you" 

Aaron laid his hand on my cheek, I leaned against it, feeling his callous and heat "You're not going to lost us" Derek and Spencer nodded their heads in agreement. I closed my eyes soaking in his warmth 

"I'm scared" my voice broke 

"Scared of what?" Spencer asked softly running his hand through my hair as Aaron helped me lean back against the bed seeing my body start to shake "Of messing up. I've seen what happens when soulmates reject the other and I'm scared that I'll mess up and you guys will reject me" 

"No. Hey no baby look at me" Derek grabbed my face in his hands making me look into the warm brown eyes "We will never reject you. You can mess up a thousand times and we will never reject you" Spencer turned my head towards him "He's right. We waited a long time for you and we're not going to be letting you go anytime soon" 

I look at Aaron and see him nodding his head in agreement "Thank you" I whisper with a watery smile "Can one of you get the others. I want to see them" Derek nodded and left not before kissing my forehead 

3rd Person P.O.V

The group turned when the doors opened. Derek walked over to them "She asking for the rest of you" 

They jumped to their feet and followed Derek to Grace room "She's still a little weak so just stay calm" Derek warned them before opening the door. The large group entered the room seeing Grace laying in her bed with an IV in her arm and her heart monitor 

"Grace" Scott, Kelly, Phoebe, Amanda, Emmy and Luke rush over to their sister and hug her tightly "Hey guys" Grace hugged them back smiling at her younger siblings. Ben and Stella walked over to their niece as the dance group backed away 

"Hey Gracie, how you feeling?" Stella asked pulling her niece in a hug "Feeling better, still a little shaky" Grace pulled back to hug her uncle. Ben ran a hand through her hair giving her a kiss on the head. Emily, JJ and Rossi smiled at her happy she's okay 

"Mommy" Ethan climbed on her bed with the help of Ben "Ethan?" Grace asked in shock holding her son "Hey Grace" River, James (Changing the boyfriend name. It's now James) Ocean and Crystal walked in the room smiling at the mother and son duo "Hey, guys" River and Grace hugged 

"When we heard what happened, we drove straight her" James told her 

"Thank you" 

Grace smiled looking around her hospital room. Her family, right here with her all talking and making sure she's okay. She's glade she kept fighting   

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