Lincoln x Ronnie Anne

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Ronnie Anne's eyes opened slowly and adjusted to the light coming into the room, it was only a faint gleaming of sunlight from behind the window curtains but it was bright enough to see around the room, she rubbed her eyes for a second and looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand to her right, it read 7:23 a.m, it felt a little too early to get out of bed to her but she was awake enough to not fall back asleep, she sat up and emerged from the bedsheet revealing to only be wearing a purple bra and panties, she then turned over to her left side and smiled instantly, sprawled out on the other side of the queen size bed was her loving husband Lincoln Loud, the two childhood friends, now in their twenties, had just gotten married no more than a week ago, their wedding had been a big celebration as everyone in their large families and groups of friends had attended, the newlyweds were grateful for all the support they had gotten for their marriage and in return, they supported the relationships their friends and family members were in, their older relatives were already married or engaged and several of their friends and younger relatives were in romantic relationships that really looked like they could lead to marriage, right now, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were currently on their honeymoon in Hawaii, it was an ideal place to go to since it was currently in the summertime, the couple had grown accustomed to the comfy hotel room they were staying in, they had been on vacation for a couple days now and were enjoying every minute of it, so far, they had gone to the beach, ate at some nice restaurants and went sightseeing at some of the state's famous landmarks, thanks to Lincoln, they had so much more planned such as taking a boat tour around the other islands and attending a public luau event among other activities, however, the happy couple had agreed that no other part of their trip was like the times they spent alone in bed together such as right now, cuddling close together and sharing moments of pure bliss and intimacy to show their love for each other, they had been so in love since they became more than friends and now that they were married, they couldn't get enough of one another, Ronnie Anne looked over at the love of her life as he laid on his side of the bed still asleep with his arms spread out wearing nothing but orange boxer shorts under the sheet that covered him up to his chest, even looking tired with his hair ruffled up in the early morning, Ronnie Anne found Lincoln incredibly attractive, his unique white hair that was now neck-length helped with his handsome features, she smiled and ran her hand through his hair before leaning in and kissing him gently on the lips, Lincoln stirred for a moment before opening his eyes and seeing the face of his beautiful new wife right in front of him 

Ronnie Anne warmly: Good morning my hubby 

Lincoln smiled: I already know it's a good morning when I wake up and the first thing I see is your beautiful face 

Ronnie Anne blushed: You're too sweet for your own good, Linky 

She kissed him softly again, being awake now, Lincoln kissed her back while putting his arm around her, she caressed his smooth face that he had recently shaved, sometimes he'd let his facial hair grow until it got itchy and he'd shave it off, Ronnie Anne loved how his facial hair felt when she touched it as much as she loved how his face felt when he shaved, she also thought he looked hot either way, their lips separated and they stared lovingly into each other's eyes. Ronnie Anne's long dark messy hair dangled down from the side of her head and Lincoln stroked it gently feeling how soft it was, Ronnie Anne scooted closer so their bodies were touching under the covers,

Ronnie Anne smirked: Someone looks all too happy to have me as his wife now 

Lincoln blushed: You're not wrong about that 

Ronnie Anne kept smirking as she kept stroking his face, Lincoln felt how soothing her hands were 

Lincoln sighed: Ronnie, you have such a magic touch 

Ronnie Anne giggled: After all these years, you're still such a dork 

She leaned down and started planting kisses all over his face as she kept touching his face while petting his hair, Lincoln could only lay there with her on top of him taking in the pleasure she was giving him, she stopped for a second and brought her mouth to his ear 

Ronnie Anne whispering sweetly: Never change Lincoln Loud, never stop being the man I love 

Lincoln cupped her face with her hands and allowed her forehead to lean against his 

Lincoln sincerely: I promise, Ronnie Anne, that I will never stop being your Lame-O 

Ronnie Anne snugly: You may be my Lame-O, but you're by no means a Lame-O when we snuggle 

Lincoln smirked: Well if that's true, there's no need to hold back 

He pulled her in for another kiss, they engaged in a passionate makeout session, Lincoln moved his hands from her face and wrapped his arms around her slender body, with a secure hold on her, he rolled them on the bed so that he was now on top of her, he rubbed her back while she placed her hands on his neck and shoulders as they continued to kiss, he soon parted his lips from hers and tucked her hair behind her ear, he started kissing her cheek then going down and kissing her neck and shoulders, she let out a soft moan as it was her turn to feel pleasure from him 

Ronnie Anne: Oh, Linc, please don't stop 

Lincoln: I will never stop making my woman feel like heaven 

He continued to kiss and hold her, only he could make her feel this kinky, with him in control, there was nothing she could do but take in the affection he was giving her, Ronnie Anne did feel like heaven as her lover had promised her, after a short while, Ronnie Anne decided it was her turn to take command, she managed to find the strength to turn them both over so that she was on top of him, now she started kissing and caressing him so he could rest and be in total bliss himself, soon, he sat up and wrapped his arms around her, she kissed his head as they both ran their hands through each other's hair, they both kept holding each other close just melting in the warmth of their embrace, soon, the duo laid back down on the bed feeling much more relaxed now as they've satisfied their urges, they'll undoubtedly feel the tension to get romantic again in the near future, but for now, it had been relieved by their peaceful intimacy, they snuggled against each other just wanting to stay in each other's arms for a little while longer, they didn't have anywhere to be for the rest of the morning 

Lincoln sighed happily: Not a bad way to start the day 

Ronnie Anne warmly: I can always count on you to make me feel good, sweetheart 

Lincoln: Only because you make me feel just as good, babe 

Ronnie Anne connected her lips to his and they shared another passionate kiss, she then rested her head on his shoulder and rubbed her hand across his bare chest 

Ronnie Anne: I love you, Lincoln, with all my heart 

Lincoln: I love you too, Ronnie Anne, now and forever 

The couple nuzzled each other and just enjoyed being alone together for the time being, they would proceed to do everything they wanted to on their vacation, right now however, all that mattered was that they shared this tender moment and would continue to make each other happy for the rest of their lives 

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