Lori X Bobby

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The sun started to set over the west coast of Lake Michigan, from a set of lake houses along the coast, there was a spectacular view of it slowly descending towards the horizon where the lake and the sky met, these houses were available to rent for people who wanted to stay in them while on vacation, and at one of the vacation homes were two people who were doing exactly that, Bobby Santiago and Lori Loud were spending their one year anniversary of marriage at this place, they traveled across the state and rented one of the houses for a few days, Bobby had come up with the idea and arranged everything as his anniversary gift for his beloved life partner, Lori was immensely grateful as the love of her life was doing whatever he could to please her just as he usually does, he was truly a god amongst men to her and sometimes she had a bit of a hard time understanding how she deserved him in the first place, she felt that she hadn't always been the best girlfriend she could be for him, but Bobby and her other loved ones had assured her that she was a good girlfriend and that he was lucky to have her, her family and friends had faith in her that was enough to inspire her to not only be a better girlfriend, but also a better sister and person overall, and now that she was a wife, she was devoted to being the wife she could for him, still, Lori knew how devoted her husband was to her, he had done so many more things than she can count to make her happy in the time they've been a part of each other's lives, she made him happy too but she always wanted to show how devoted she was to him too, Bobby showed her that he rented a vacation home for the two of them to celebrate their first anniversary a few weeks back, it had been his anniversary gift to her and she became determined to give him something in return, then just a few days before their trip, she had discovered something that she knew would be the perfect anniversary gift for her husband, and she would give it to him while they stayed at the house, Bobby stood on the outdoor patio behind the house that faced the lake. It had some comfy patio furniture and a roof over it, he wore a dark green satin robe and shorts that was a birthday gift from his fashionista cousin Carlota, he looked out at the sun about to go down over the lake, the beautiful scenery, the quiet atmosphere and the warm summer breeze gave him a feeling of absolute tranquility, this was his gift for his wife and he anticipated receiving her gift for him, he then felt a pair of slender arms wrap around his torso from behind and knew it could only be one person 

Lori: It's literally so lovely out here this evening, isn't it 

She hugged her husband from behind, she was wearing a gorgeous light blue silk nightgown that was a birthday gift from her fashionista sister, Leni 

Bobby smiled: It sure is, babe, the ambience of this place makes it awesome to stay at this time of the year 

Lori: You always know how to establish a romantic setting for us, Boo Boo Bear 

She started petting his hair and kissing the side of his head, Bobby relished in feeling her delicate lips trail along his cheek and temple, after a moment, he took her hands and carefully pulled them off him so he could turn around and put his own arms around her, the couple held and nuzzled each other as they stared out at the sunset on the water, they enjoyed a quiet moment before Bobby spoke again 

Bobby: You can be just as romantic too, Lori, still waiting for you to present your gift to me, but you can do it anytime now 

Lori gently placed her hands on the sides of his face and stared deeply into his eyes 

Lori: You'll get it soon tonight, I promise, right now, let's get into the mood and honor our commitment to one another 

Bobby knew what she meant, the mood was set just right for them to commemorate their marriage by showing their love for each other 

Bobby whispering: Couldn't agree more, mi amor 

The lovers proceeded to kiss with the sun shining on them while it was still visible, Bobby held Lori at her sides while she still held his face, then she moved her hands down to his shoulders, soon their lips separated so they could catch their breath and look lovingly into each other's eyes 

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