Lily X Carlitos

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It was a beautiful day at Camp Mastodon and all members of the Loud and Casagrande families, both born and married into, had gathered for their family reunion, the campsite had been reserved for the kids, parents, grandparents and great grandparents to spend a few nights there. Nearly all of the cabins had been occupied as there were well around fifty people attending the reunion, just about all of the kids in both families were all grown up now and most of them had gotten married and started families of their own, the only kids still living at the Loud and Casagrandes homes were Lily and Carlitos respectively, but both would soon leave home and start their own lives themselves as they were both eighteen now and had just graduated high school, the two youngest kids of both families have practically known each other their whole lives as they first met when they were infants, they had been good friends for a long time and always hung out when their families got together, the older they got, the closer to each other they got and it soon became clear they developed feelings for one another, of course, they had to have a mostly long distance relationship at first due to them living in different towns in different states, it was a struggle at first, but they managed to make it work especially with support from their family members who also happened to have long distance relationships of some sort, Lori and Bobby, and later Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, also had to deal with the same distance between them as Lily and Carlitos did, there was also Leni and Scott who had a way bigger distance that was halfway around the world until Scott moved to America to be closer to Leni, and even Lynn and Francisco had to deal with it when Lynn went off to college a couple years before Francisco could join her, so Carlitos and Lily knew that if their relatives could handle the distance, they could too, they planned to start living together after they graduated and moved out of the homes they grew up in, before that, they were to attend the big reunion at Camp Mastodon, it was planned as a celebration of all kids from both families now being finished with school and being grown up, however, catching up with their relatives and in-laws and seeing all their nieces and nephews wasn't the only thing the two graduates intended to do, they of course desired to spend some quality time alone together to have their own celebration of being done with school and not having to commit to a long distance relationship anymore, though Carlitos and Lily were generally good natured individuals, both of them always had something of a mischievous and rebellious side even in their infancy, and it was because of their rebelliousness that what they secretly had planned for their alone time was something they wouldn't let anyone else know about, Carlitos arrived around the same time with his parents, Carlos and Frida, and his grandparents, Hector and Rosa, his aunt and uncle, Arturo and Maria, had arrived there earlier, Lily arrived at the camp shortly after with her parents, Lynn Sr. and Rita, and her grandfather, Albert, and they were all greeted by Lily's other grandfather, Leonard Loud, Leonard had retired from managing the camp in recent years and left it in charge of people he knew he could trust, he, Albert, Hector and Rosa were now great grandparents while Lynn Sr, Rita, Carlos, Frida, Maria and Arturo were now grandparents, and they were all proud to see the next generation of their families come into the world, when Lily and her family pulled into the camp, they saw everyone who was already there outside the cabins waiting, the second they parked, Lily was out of the car and running up to Carlitos within a split second, she tackled him to the ground as they threw their arms around one another 

Lily: It's so good to see you, Calo 

She kissed his face repeatedly 

Carlitos happily :I missed you too, hermosa 

They laid on the ground hugging her. He pulled her in for a deep kiss on the lips, the adults watched their reunion and smiled, Lynn Sr. and Frida unsurprisingly started crying joyfully, the couple stood up and hugged some more 

Lily whispering sneakily: I got mine, you got yours 

Carlitos whispering: Oh, yeah, This is gonna be good 

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