Luna X Sam

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Michigan Stadium, a.k.a. 'The Big House', the football stadium for the University of Michigan and home of the Michigan Wolverines, largest stadium in all of America and one of the biggest sports venues in the world with a capacity of more than 100,000 people, in the summer, when there's no football season, the stadium is available to use for non-sports related events such as a big rock music festival, for a few days, the stadium held concerts of several music artists that went on all day, the stage was set up at one end of the field and one by one, each performer would play for an hour or so throughout the afternoon and evening, some performers were only there for one day while most were there for the whole thing, the closing performance at the end of the day for both the first and second days of the festival was going to be the epic collaboration of Mick Swagger and Smooch, they recently made an album together and became the headliners for the whole event. It was something that thousands of concert attendees were anticipating, particularly two female college students who happen to be to of the biggest rock music fans around and who also happen to be in an open same-sex relationship, Luna Loud and Sam Sharp had been girlfriends since high school and were very happy together, they were not afraid to be open about their relationship as they received a lot of support from just about everyone they know, right now, they were attending the festival to celebrate being out of college for the summer and of course, there's no way they'd miss out on something like Mick Swagger and Smooch performing together, they rented a room at a motel that was within walking distance from the stadium so they could be there all day for every day of the festival, they enjoyed the other music acts throughout the first day leading up to the final act, they also managed to get V.I.P. passes that allowed them backstage so they could meet Mick and the members of Smooch before they were on, even though they actually met them before, it was still incredibly exciting. It seems like the happy couple would have the time of their lives at this event, unfortunately, things went a little south pretty quickly, shortly before Mick and Smooch could begin their performance, they got a warning for a rainstorm that was about to come, their performance for the first day had to be cancelled and the show would end early, it wasn't a total loss though as they were scheduled to close out the show the following day and the weather forecast said the skies would be clear for the remaining days of the festival, so the rainstorm wouldn't really turn out to be a terrible thing, however, the storm wasn't the only bad thing that happened that evening, something absolutely dreadful and unnecessary happened to the two girls who absolutely did not deserve it, Sam ran down the street as fast as she could away from the stadium towards the motel as the sun went down and storm clouds appeared overhead, she tried as hard as she could to hold back the tears in her eyes and concentrate on getting back to her motel room, without slowing down, she arrived at the motel and ran up the steps, down the walkway and burst through the door to her and Luna's room, she panted from running fast and finally allowed herself to break down in tears, she collapsed on the floor sobbing as she thought about the incident that had just occurred, she and Luna were having a blast the entire day at the stadium, there were both music artists they knew and didn't know that performed but they still loved them all, they had lunch and dinner from the concession stands, and of course, they were hyped about getting backstage to meet the performers they came to see the most, they were even dressed to show they were fans, Luna wore a Mick Swagger shirt and dark cargo shorts while Sam wore a Smooch shirt and denim ripped shorts, just before the final performance was supposed to start, the couple gleefully headed towards the back of the stage holding hands, they were certain that nothing would stop them from having a rockin' time, that is, until they arrived at the backstage entrance, there was a security guard stationed at the entrance, the girls showed him their passes so he could let them in, but he refused and said they weren't allowed in, the girls were confused as their passes were genuine and could legally permit them backstage, but the guard argued that it didn't matter and even demanded that they leave the festival and never return, now Luna and Sam got angry and asked him what his problem was, the guard told them their 'kind wasn't welcome anywhere' and that he had every right to deny their rights, the girls then realized that he must've noticed them holding hands and figured they were in a romantic relationship, apparently this ill-tempered guy was a bigot who'd look for any excuse to condescend people like them, now the girls were irritated, before they could speak again, some more guards appeared at the entrance having overheard the commotion, the girls told them the situation and they scolded the bigoted guard for his behavior, the guard still arrogantly insisted that he was right and that they were wrong to side with the girls, suddenly, a man's voice was heard from the stage and he informed the crowd that a rainstorm was about to happen and that the show had to end early, Mick Swagger and Smooch's performance wouldn't be until tomorrow, then the guard's attitude got even worse. He blamed Luna and Sam for the show getting rained on, he had the ridiculously absurd belief that the universe was punishing them all just because a same-sex couple was in their presence, he saw the storm as a sign that supported his claim that they didn't belong anywhere, the girls were now absolutely infuriated with him, Luna was about to give him a piece of her mind when Sam stepped forward and beat her to it, she began lashing out at him for how he saw them thinking he had the right to treat them like that, the other guards who took the girls' side let her speak up knowing the bigot deserved it, Luna also thought her beloved girlfriend would be able to put him in his place, but then the guard managed to cut her off and exploded into a tirade, he shouted all kinds of mean, nasty, offensive words right in Sam's face, suddenly, her determination to stand up to the bigot disappeared and was replaced with fear and mental pain, as the guard kept ranting, Sam turned around and ran off as tears formed in her eyes, the guard even started to chase after her so he could continue to hurt her, Sam was now just determined to get out of there and didn't stop until she reached the motel room, now she laid on the floor in her room curled up in a ball feeling scared and heartbroken, as she cried, she realized the guard must not have chased her all the way to the motel, she didn't know when he stopped as she was too focused on getting as far away as she could without looking back, she hoped he lost sight of her or gave up the chase when she left the stadium, she also realized she ran away from Luna and didn't know where she was now, she didn't know what happened back at the backstage entrance after running off, she wanted to find Luna as she was the only person she wanted to see right now, but she was too scared to go back out there and felt ashamed by it, when Sam opened up with her sexuality and became Luna's girlfriend, she felt certain that she wouldn't be bothered by any negative reactions to it, and while there were some instances of disapproval, she was able to easily overcome them, however, none were as bad as the one she just experienced, she felt as if she would never overcome it this time, for once, she was afraid of being open with her sexuality, all she felt like she could do now was to stay hidden in her room and cry, she didn't know exactly how long she stayed on the floor, but eventually the door to the room opened, for a split second, she was terrified that the bigoted guard actually had followed her to the motel, but then she looked and saw that it was just Luna and she immediately calmed down, Luna shut and locked the door behind her, she arrived at the motel just as the rain started to come down outside, she saw the state her girl was in and it devastated her 

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