Chapter 15

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I sighed as I sat at the kitching table. I ran my fingers over the dark bruises on my knuckles. They didn't hurt that bad, but that didn't matter. I had mad Felix mad. I don't even know why he was mad at me, which is the worst part. I couldn't even apologize or fix it. "What happened?" I heard Kate ask. I turned around to see her setting down the pan she was holding and rip off her oven mitts before she walked over to wear I was sitting. She grabbed my hand. After observing them for a moment, she looked up at me frowning. I cowered back a little. Was she mad at me too? "Who did this?" she asked. I gulped. I didn't want Felix to get in trouble. But..I can't lie. "Felix," I whispered. her face turned stone cold. "I made him angry-" she cut me off. "No Chester," she whispered, leaning down to eye-level. "You can't let people hurt you, it doesn't matter if their mad at you," she told me. Her voice was sharp. She was mad. "You're mad?" I whispered. She sighed and nodded. I et my head lower itself before gulping. "I'm sorry," I said. I didn't want Kate to be mad at me. Her head snapped up and I felt tears slowly form. I had made two people mad today already. She dropped my hand and grabbed my face. "No no no," she whispered. I let out a quiet sob and instantly tried to push it back in, but failed. I sniffled. "Chester, I'm not angry at you," she told me. I looked her in the eye. She's lying. Adults lie. "I'mad because yo got hurt." I brought my bruised hand up to rub my eye. "Oh," I croaked out. "I'm osrry for getting hurt," I whispered. She groaned and put her head in her hands. I made her even more angry! I started crying harder despite my urges not to. Just then, I heard multiple pairs of feet stomp down the stairs. "Can you just shut up about it!" Lindsey yelled. "You first!" Liam screamed. I heard Rick sigh. "Can you both just be quiet,I have a head ache an-" he stopped talking and ran over. "Hey, what happened?" I cried harder. I couldn't stop it. I hadn't cried in...forever. It was against the rules, I was gonna get in trouble. I sniffled louder and opened my mouth, allowing small sobs to come out. "Is he okay?" Lindsey asked Kate. Kate sighed and lifted her head. "I don't know," "He thins I'm angry at him becuase somebody hurt him-" "Who hurt him!" Lindsey yelled. I hid my hand as Lindsey ran over and started patting me down, checking for injurys. When she found my terribly hidden hand, she studied it. "Who hurt you Chester?" she asked, looking up. "Who do I need to kill?" her eye started twitching. I gulped. She was kind of scary. "Felix," I said. Her eyes grew dark. "Oh, I'm gonna kill that bitch!" she yelled, standing up and walking to the other side of the room. I looked over at Liam, who was standing there uncomfortably. "Are you okay Liam?" He snapped out of what seemed to be some kind of daze and looked up at me. "Yea, I'm fine." he whispered, then walked up the stairs to his room. I looked back at Kate, who was now staring at me. "I'm not mad at you, and nothing is your fault, okay?" I sighed and nodded. "Okay," she smiled. "Now, does that hurt?" she asked. I shook my head. She smiled and nodded. She stood up and looked at me. "Chester," I hummed. "Don't spend time with him, please?" "I don't want you to get hurt." I nodded. "Yes ma'am." she smiled and walked to the kithcen sink to get started on dishes. I lowered my head. I didn't want to stop hanging out with Felix. I really didn't. I felt my eyes get hot and my head get fuzzy. I wanted to kick something. I kicked the side of the table, causing a loud boom to me heard as the wooden vase of flowers fell off. Kate, startled, dropped a dish into the sinka nd turned around. She stared at the vase for a moment, watching the water leak out of it. She then looked up at me with a....concerned.....look on her face. "Chester, what happened?" she asked. I least, I think she did. I could barely hear anything. I clenched my fists and stared at the wall in front of me full of paintings. There wre so many colours. It was hurting my eyes. I averted my eyes around the room. There was a white light surrounded the sides of my vision, making my headache even worse. I groaned and brought my fists up to my head, hitting it. I wanted to hit something. I know it should of hurt, but I couldn't feel anything except for my raging headache. I hit my head harder and almost couldn't feel the hands wrapping around my wrists. Almost. The memories that came back from the feeling make my headache multiply. The closet. All the monsters hands wrapping me in their cold grips. Dragging me into the deep unknown. I shivered and cried. The headache wouldn't go away, neither would the memories. I just wanted the memories to go away. They always go away. Why wouldn't they now? "Chester!" I heard Kate scream. I suddenly remembered something else. Felix. That's why I was so angry. That's why I had a headache. The reason these memories werecoming back was because I got angry over Felix. Becuase Kate didn't understand. The grip on my hands tightened and I go tired of it. I kicked forward, letting out a scream. My foot hit something hard and I opened my eyes to see a winded Kate on the floor and Lindsey standing beside her, confused. 'Don't touch him!" Rick yelled from behind me when Lindsey reached out her hand to comfort me. My screams turned into sobs as I slid out of my chair and buried my face into my knees, which I drew up to my chest. I gripped my head. They wouldn't go away. I didn't want to think about them. The orphanage. My old parents. Ava. I didn't want to think about any of it. I remembered all the starving nights I lay there, awake. Everytime I woke up with sore bones from the beatings and bullying and malnourishment. Everyone was explaining that all of that wasn't right. But I knew it wasn't. I didn't understand how they knew that. Why did they get to be nice, and kind. How come they got...everything. A childhood. I hated it. I hated this house. I hated the Queens.

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