Chapter 28

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"He hasn't even been here more than a month and all the teachers already love him." Linsdey complained whole-heartedly, sitting down beside Chester. I smiled as I sat down on the other side of him. "Well?" Kate said. Chester looked up at him. "Are you gonna open all those or not?" she asked. Chester smiled adn I reached down, grabbing a bag and handing it to him. "It's from Sija," Chester read. Lindsey scoffed. "Sija's a little bitch," Kate glared at her. "Language, I swear to god if Chester starts cussing I know who to blame." she mumbled the last part. Chester smiled and tok out the tissue paper with care. He reached in and pulled out a small stuffed dinasour. He smiled widely. "It looks like Felix!" he exlaimed. I glared playfully at him. "That doesn't look anything like me!" I argued. He laughed and tuffed the small patch of black hair placed on the top of the T-Rex. "It definitley looks like you."
h esaid. "I'm naming him...Relix, Rex plus Felix." he said snobbily, setting him in front of me. I laughed and looked at Kate, who was staring at him with an awed look. He opened a few more present that consisted of multiple stuffed animals, candy, and braclets. "I.......don't like it." Chester said. That usually would've been rude, especially when somebody gave you a present. But you couldn't really blame him. It was a bunny. Stained red. With it's arms and legs cut off as well as it's eyeballs gouged out. Thankfully, it was fake. But eww. "Who got you that?" Kate asked. She rgabebd the box and read the tag. "Lucas Danito?" Liam and Lindsey groaned in unison. "Lucas sucks." Lindsey mumbled. Chester smiled and put the bunny back in the box carefully. "Aren't you going to throw it away?" Rick asked. Chester shook his head. "No, he probably worked really hard on it, though it is quite....grotesque." he said. He put the box on the floor and looked in the bag. "That's all, unless you wanna see my endless supplies of candy that wasn't from the presents?" kate laughed. "Actually, you have one more," Kate said. Chester tilted his hea.d "But the bags are empty," Kate shook her head and Rick stepped forward excitedly. He was glancing behind Chester and when I turned around, I saw a bunch of little kids and adults. Who was that? I turned to ask but I caught Rick gesturing for me to be quiet. Maybe this was the present. Kate reached down and pulled out a really small box. Chester smiled at her and unwrapped it, pulling out a small piece of paper that said 'Look behind you'. Chester read it aloud and looked up at Kate, confused. "What?" he asked. Kate smiled. "Look behind you," she said. Chester gave her another weird look before turning around slowly in the stool. When he saw everyone, he gasped and stood up. He didn't walk over, he just stood there with his hands in front of his mouth. Nobpdy said anything until a little girl who was crying ran up to him and jumped up, wrapping her arms and legs around him. Tears ran down Chesters face instantly as he buried his face in her shoudler. "CeeCee." the girl mumbled into his neck. I looked at Kate who was trying not to cry. "Who are they?" I whispered. Rick leaned forward. "They're the people from the orphanage he used to live at." I smiled at her and nodded in surprise. Chester put down the little girl and wiped his eyes before turning back to Rick and Kate. "You got the whole orphanage?" h easked in shock, smiling widely. Kate nodded. "We decided you might want to see everyone instead of just Ava. Chester satrted crying again and ran around the counter to hug them. Rick and Kate hugged him back  adn one of the women in the crowd stepped forward. Chester instantly stopped crying and stood up straight. Kate gave hima weird look as the lady kept walking forward. Rick put out his hand. "Mrs.Murphy." he said. The lady......Mrs.Murphy, took hi hand. "Rick, Kate." she said. She smiled at Kate and looked over at Chester, who was staring at her. Suddenly, I realized all teh kids were like that. Still and rigid and...terrified. They looked scared and so did Chester. Mrs.Murphy set her hand on his shoudler. "Hello Chester, I'm sorry for not visiting you sooner, I was very busy." Chester nodded and looked down. "I accept your apology," he mumbled. Suddenyl he looked up. "I thought you wre in jail," he said. MrsMurphy took her hand off of his shoudler. "Chester, that was very rude," she said. Chester sighed and gulped. "I'm sorry." The Queens were all staring at them, windering what the hell was going on. "And no, we did not get shut down, we simply got suspended," she said, looking at Rick and Kate. "have you taught him nothing?" She asked them. Rick crossed his arms. "What do you mean?" he asked. Mrs.Murphy scoffed. "What do I mean?" She grabbed Chester by the shoudlers and rughly moved him to the side before walking around him. "He's not standing up straight, his hair is completely frizzed and he's covered in dirt." she critiqued. "Not to mention his lack of manners, they were terrible before, but now they seem to be even worse then before." she said, looked at Rick and Kate once again. "And looka this clothes and shoes and gifts, you're honestly spoiling him." she said. Kate scoffed. "We aren't spoiling him, we're treating him like our son." she said. Mrs.Murphy smiled a disgusting smiled. "Children, including you, Chester," she said. "State Rule #7 ; #9 and #27." she demanded. What the fuck. Chester looked at me as all the kids started speaking in unison. "Rule #7," she started. "Children should not have more then absolute necessities, as they can cause a alrger ego and a needing for more than what they deserve," They stated. They all looked so dead inside. "Rule #9, Manners are for everyone, use them correctly or you will be punsihed." "Rule #27, use corrent posture, as incorrect posture could cause un-imperfectcy and-" Rick cut them all off. "No, shut up." he said. "This is not happening in this house." he said. Kate sighed and grabbed Chesters hand. "All the adults, out." she said. Mrs.Murpjhy scoffed. "You can't do that," she said. Kate smiled a fake smile at her. "Actually,I can." "It's my house, unless you want me to call CPS again, I wonder how they'll react when we have even more witnesses." Kate said. Mrs,Murphy rolled her and gestured for all the adults to follow her. Kate let go of Chester, who ran to hug the other kids. I noticed all the bigger kids stepped off to the side to stare at him, disgusted. Al the little ones, though, were all over Chester. Hugging him and playing and laughing. After about twenty minutes of playing hand games and talking and screaming, one of the adults popped their heads in. "We have to get back to the orpahanage." he said. All the kids stood up, including Chester. Everyone said bye and walked to the door, one little girl crying. Once the door closed Chester looked at us and smiled. He ran over to give Rick and Kate anither hug and smiled. "Thank you."

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