Chapter 20

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"Lay down!" Chester yelled, flopping on top of me. He got really tired all of a sudden, I mean, it was only like three in the morning. I laughed as he layed on top of me, trying to keep me held down. Though he was so light I could barely feel him. He grabbed my arms and pulled them down to my side. "Lay downfelix, I'm tired," he said, yawning. I pulled my arms free and started poking his face. He was so cute when he was frustrated. I groaned and grabbed my hand, going to push my arm back down until I flipped us around. I set my hands on his waist and pushed him down into the bed. He gasped and grabbed my arms. I suddenly realized the awkward position I had put him in. But I didn't move away. I couldn't. I leaned forward, staring at him. He didn't say anything. Just sat there. I slowly got closer and closer, staring into his eyes. My lips barely brushed his, but sparks still flew. I felt a rush of butterflies go through me and pushed forward. I kissed him harder, in a complete daze. After about a minute, I felt hands on my arms and snapped out of it. I pulled away and let go of Chester. He gasped and sat up. "I-" I couldn't talk. I just fucking kissed Chester! He stared at me confused. He brought his hands u to touch his lips and smiled. he leaned forward and placed a short kiss on my lips before pulling away. Woah. "Chester," I mumbled. "I liked it." he said. "You're kisses aren't mean, Mr.Reels are....his kissed are very mean," Who's Mr.Reels? I was about to ask, but was cut off by Chester laying across my lap. He wrapped his arms around my torso and snuggled into my stomach. "Can we go to sleep now?" he asked. I smiled. "Yea....yea sure."


I was woken up by the bruight light seeping through the window . I groaned and sat up. Chester forgot to close the blinds,or maybe he didn't. I could never really tell with him. I looked over to see Chester buried under the covers. "Chester," I said, pulling the covers down to see him, sound asleep. He rolled around and slowly opened his eyes. He instantly sat up and smiled. He yawned and looked over at me. "Good morning," he said, still mid-yawn. I smiled. "Good morning, Chester." I said. I stretched and got out of his bed. He crawled out after me and shoved me lightly. "What was that for?" I asked as he grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. "For keeping me up so late, I'm still tired," he complained, pouting. I smiled. "Well, I'm sure they won't mind if you go back to sleep," I said. He turned around briefly and glared at me. "I was gonna sleep longer, but you had to wake me up," he said, pulling me harder, but I refused to budge. "Well, I wouldn't have been awake to wake you up if you had closed the curtains." I said, leaning forward to stare at him. He grunted. "Well, I usuall wake up before the sun comes up, so I don't have to close them," he grabbed my hand and pulled again, this time I allowed him to pull me down the stairs. "Well....." I stopped trying to think of something snappy and funny to say. "That's stupid." I deadpanned. I mentally slapped myself for that stupid comeback. He smiled and dragged me to the counter. Rick and Kate were at the counter. Rick had his head on the counter, groaning and Kate was making breakfast. "Work on a weekend is stupid." Rick grumbled. Kate sighed and rolled her eyes. "Rick , we've had this conversation every Saturday for the past....I forgot....years." Kate said. She turned around and when she saw us, her face brightened. "Felix! Chester!" she said, running over and hugging Chester before hugging me. She pulled away. "Breakfast is done," she looked at me. "Please, help yourself," she said. I smiled and nodded as Chester dragged me to the table as Rick walked up the stairs to get Liam and Lindsey. "Thank you," I said as Kaet put a plate in front of me. She smiled at me and  sat down. Rick and Lindsey walked down the stairs and sat down around the table. "Wheres Liam? Kate asked gesturing to the empty seat which I assumed was his. Rick sighed. "He said he wasn't hungry and he didn't want to come downstairs," Rick said, running his hand down his face as he grabbed a piece of bacon off Chesters plate and stood up. "Alright, we're already late, we gotta go," he said, fixing his tie and walking out the door. Kate smiled adn stood up. "He's right, he walked over to Chester and kissed him on the head before doing the same to Lindsey. She looked at me. "You're welcome to stay another night if you'd like, though we won't be back until tomorrow night," I nodded. "Thank you," I said. I didn't know what else to say, I was never actually nice to adults. "Lindsey," Kate said. "Aren't you and Liam going to your friends houses tonight?" she asked. Lindsey nodded. "Their parents are driving us both to school, I mean, Kaylas are, I'm sure Lima will just walk to school with Jacob," Lindsey explained. Kate nodded. "Well, you two got the house to yourselves, no parties and if there are clean up after," she said. She was about to walk out of the door until she stopped and turned to Lindsey. "Lindsey, help Felix get to know about Chesters......" she stopped, trying to find words but Lindsey seemed to understand and nodded. "I will," Kate smiled and waved as she closed the door. "Chesters what?" I asked, looking over at Chester who suddenly looked a little angry. Lindsey sighed. "He hasn't told you?" she aksed me. I shook my head. I mean, I don't know if he did, I didn't even know what she was talking about. "Chester's autistic,"

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