6: About time

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Author's note: This chapter gets rather heated (if you know what i mean). If you're not into that, then just skip this one


Hiccup was practically silent for most of the flight, concerned for what Astrid was planning. He did suspect it was probably an empty threat. But that was all put to chance by him leaving. He couldn't help but wonder what mess he would return to. Jack could see North's hideaway in the distance and stopped for a minute. "You okay there? You've barely spoken." He asked. Hiccup looked at him, "Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm just nervous about.." "If Astrid follows through on the threat? Yeah, me too, kind of. I mean, it'd be nice to actually be able to hold your hand without people judging. But that goes hand in hand with us being together." Jack admitted, Hiccup smiled. "Yeah, but your hands are always so cold," He giggled. "Hey, if cold is a problem. Maybe we shouldn't be together." Jack teased flirtatiously. "Nooo!" Hiccup backpedalled. Jack laughed. "You're adorable. Come on, we are nearly there." Jack gestured to move on.

When they landed, Hiccup was astounded by the size and sight of North's hideaway. It was just as Jack described. A large almost dome like building on top of a glacier. Windows pouring out light onto the snow and massive turrets on either side. "Woahh! This is so cool." Hiccup excitedly said with a massive smile, looking up at all the intricate details of Christmas designs etched into the beams. "It's like a fortress, I should know I spent decades trying to break in." Jack laughed, Hiccup raised an eyebrow at him, and he just smiled and shrugged it off.

As they walked in, everything stopped. Humans weren't really supposed to be there, supposedly ruining the magic. But Jack didn't believe any of that nonsense. "Ignore the yetis, Phil is just still mad. I knocked his toy tower down once. Turns out a yeti can be very stubborn and holds many a grudge." Jack said, taking Hiccup's hand and pulling him through the factory to the workshop, Toothless trailing behind.

It was getting later in the evening, and no one was around, so Jack led Hiccup to his room. It was twice the size of Hiccup's room back on Berk. There was a large bed with dark blue covers, an alcove window with blue cushions, wooden snowflakes on the shelves, a big snowflake rug, tables with unopened books and toys and a small picture of a brown haired Jack with a small brunette girl. His sister. Hiccup picked up the frame. "Do you know where she is?" Hiccup asked, careful not to upset him. "Yeah, she's got her own family now. Her son is named after me. Jackson Overland Wilkins. He looks like me, too. He must be like seventeen now. None of them can see me, so it hurts to go, but I still go every anniversary of my mortal death." Jack sighed. It was a sore topic for him. "If you wanted to go, I could come with you. But only when you're ready. It seems like a tough topic for you. And I don't want to hurt you." Hiccup replied, pulling him into an embrace. "And hey, if my dad disowns me, I need a place to go." Hiccup smiled softly. Jack was unsure, and emotions he rarely liked touching were bubbling up. He wanted Hiccup to stop talking about it, but he also wanted him to know him better, but that was enough for now. Lacing his fingers in Hiccup's hair, he pulled his lips to his. Hiccup happily reciprocated, slowly stroking his lower back. Jack arched his back to push himself further onto Hiccup.  Jack was more inexperienced in relationships, especially with boys. yet he knew they were mad for one another, so relaxed as Hiccup took the lead. Hiccup had only done it a few times before, with a boy from a few islands over he met at an event where there was a lot of alcohol and they got talking. But that ended in a messy split when the boy wanted to go public before Hiccup was ready. Berkians were never too understanding of new concepts. But in the moment, kissing Jack, all insecurities left on the island melted away.

Hiccup lowered his arms below Jack's waist and picked him up, surprised by how light he was. He took them both over to the bed and lay Jack down gently before lifting up his hoodie, revealing his pale and almost sparkly body. He began littering it with kisses and then came back to kiss his lips again. "I've never.." Jack started, but Hiccup shushed him, "I'll take good care of you, Frost. Don't you worry." Hiccup replied, making Jack blush. Jack felt strange about taking the back seat and letting Hiccup do the work. He was usually so confident.

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