2: Dream of me

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The boys were fixated on one another for some time, and Hiccup hadn't noticed the dragon flying above them, Toothless had, however. Guarding the boys with his body, careful not to disturb them at this moment. Toothless could sense how relaxed and content Hiccup was, and it was a refreshing feeling. A happy break from the unsure and stressed out Hiccup, who had become the new normal. Jack was content also. It was unusual for him to have someone Hiccup's age be able to see him. Typically, after the age of twelve, most children would forget about him. As the peer pressure to grow up sets in.

Faces still centimeters apart, the boys broke their gaze, forgetting that time had not stopped though it felt like it had. "I really should be heading back." Hiccup said, almost reluctantly. Jack smiled, "I will see you round then, Dragon rider." He paused as Hiccup regained his composure, and as Jack began turning around, Hiccup stopped him. "I hope so.." He said, somewhat confidently, touching Jack's cheek softly with the palm of his hand. A gentle pinky hue stretched across Jack's face, but he simply smiled his irresistible smile. Hiccup used the hand he had on Jack's face to spin him back into him, his hand gliding to the back of Jack's neck stroking his hand up through Jack's hair. "I really, REALLY hope so." Hiccup added. Jack felt powerless and vulnerable, which is something he feared most in the world, but this felt safe. "Trust me, I will make sure of it." Jack replied. This boy was infectious, and Jack couldn't get him out of his thoughts. How he wanted Hiccup to kiss him, to hold him and to love him and always remember him. "Goodnight stalker boy." "Goodnight" Jack replied sadly, not wanting the moment to end. The tension between them left untouched and to their imaginations. They both longed for one another to make the move, but neither did. Hiccup left on Toothless back home to sleep and process his feelings for the tall, pale stalker boy who invaded every thought.

Jack flew up to the highest tree in the forest and screamed both out of pure joy and frustration that the boy didn't kiss him. Suddenly, a string of golden sand swooped past him. He looked around, and there was Sand Man, his fellow guardian, ready to ensure the people of berk had a restful night. "SANDY!" Jack yelled out, getting the attention of the dream guardian. "I have a favour to ask." Jack began, Sand Man raised a question mark, and as Jack explained who Hiccup was and how he wished he could see what he was thinking or dreaming of. Sand Man created a whole load of images of love hearts, snowflakes, and dragons and burst into laughter at the sight of Jack's face grinning from ear to ear. Jack pushed him away playfully and smiled. "I really like him, Sandy." Jack conceded. Sand man nodded approvingly as he continued on his way to complete his work for the night.

Once Sand Man had left, Jack flew himself to Hiccup's window. Hiccup was sprawled adorably across his bed fast asleep, Toothless curled up in the corner on a large flat platform scorched by his flame to warm the room. Stoic entered Hiccup's bedroom and placed a blanket over the sleeping boy. "You will make a fine chief son, even though you doubt yourself," Stoic muttered quietly to the unconscious Hiccup. Jack smiled at the sentiment, Stoic wasn't nearly as hard and cold as Hiccup always believed he was. As Stoic left the room, Jack frosted over the window and, with his finger, drew out the words 'Dream of me' for Hiccup to find when he woke in the morning.

Jack found himself lingering, watching Hiccup sleep, losing track of time, watching the sands that Sandman had cast him. He was desperately waiting for him to show up. But before he could wait any longer, Toothless opened an eye. He was spotted. Jack smirked and waved to Hiccup's dragon before ordering the wind to take him home.

As he arrived at the North Pole, there was nothing that could bring his mood down. North was stood in the workshop, talking to someone. Sandy. Jack was certain that Sandy had grassed him up to North, and he didn't want to confront all of that yet, so he tried to sneak past to his room. Jack waited for North to turn his back and leapt across to the staircase. Jack sprinted up the stairs before "JACK!" North bellowed. Jack ducked down and quietly as he could, shuffling to his room. "I know you're there, Frost." North said from the bottom of the stairs. Jack sprung up, "Hey North. How's Christmas coming?" Jack replied, trying to change the topic. "Same as always, two much red, then too much green. But what I am interested in is this boy Sandy speaks of." North said, intrigued. Jack lent on his staff and faked a yawn. "You know North, I'd love to. But I'm soooo tired. Catch you tomorrow?" And with that scurried off to his room. Shutting the door quickly and leaping onto his bed.

As he closed his eyes, he could only think of the brunette boy who not only saw him but liked what he saw, or maybe not. Jack's thoughts kept circling around the negative of what if Hiccup was just in shock and didn't really want anything to do with him. What if he didn't like him the way that he liked him. Jack shook away his thoughts and tried to switch off his mind. Eventually, he drifted off to sleep, waiting for what tomorrow would bring to comfort him.

A few hours passed, and Jack was abruptly awoken by the moon shining down onto the globe and alarm bells ringing. Jack flung himself down the stairs to the main room. All the guardians were already gathered and staring at a small island that was covered in darkness rather than the usual light. Jack rubbed his eyes. Of course it was Berk. Pitch Black was back with a vengeance, it seemed.

"Island, your little friend is on by chance?" North asked with a furrowed brow. "You know it is." Jack scowled back. But he wasn't angry at North. "Seems Pitch has finally found his way back in." Tooth chimed in. "Hello, Guardians!" A voice came from the shadows. "Show yourself, Pitch!" Jack yelled. And on cue Pitch appeared. "Hello, my friends. A big thank you to you, Jack. I appreciate our cooperation." Pitch began. Jack wanted to freeze him where he stood, but Bunny jumped in front of him.

"Leave him alone!" Jack managed to get out through his anger. "Oh, sweet Jack. You had the chance to work with me before, yet you chose the goodie two shoes gang. So I'll do as I please." Pitch smiled darkly. Jack's rage was growing, and he couldn't control it. Despite the concerned looks from the Guardians and Pitch's dark chuckle, Jack stormed outside.


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