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This is a Gini oneshot, mentions of RJ for the fans

Nini's POV: It was Saturday afternoon & I'd decided to see if someone wanted to hang out with me, I was hanging out with my ex & good friend; Ricky. We were getting snacks at a snack bar that Ricky found a few weeks ago, the snack bar had everything; chips, candies, cookies, ice cream & more. I went to get some chips for our annual movie night, I used to do it with Kourtney but she's been busy with work at the pizza parlor & Howie so I thought Ricky would like to watch a movie with me. I looked from the corner of my eye & saw Gina by the door with all of the sodas, water & juices, etc plus I didn't know she came here, my face was madly pinkish.

Ricky's POV: Nini & I were getting snacks for a movie night, I found the marshmallows by the sweet section, went to the cashier where Nini was & called out to her. "Hey Nini, look I found the marshmallows now we can...uh Neens?" I was confused by this, she never acted like this before unless...I noticed that her cheeks turned pink & I also know that she was probably daydreaming about Gina...again so I tried to snap her out of it. "Hello...Earth to Nini." I'd waved my hand in her face. "Huh, what?" She said as she shook her head, I was glad that I snapped her out of her little trance/daydream that she was having. "C'mon, let's pay for this stuff & go to your house." I said as Nina paid for the snacks & we walked to her house. "...I was daydreaming again, wasn't I?" Nini said as I laughed at the statement while I saw her face being hidden with the bag of chips. "Ricky, Nini!" We heard someone call our names & we both turned around to see our friend: Gina. "Gina, what are you doing here?" I asked her while I saw Nini standing there as her cheeks turned pink again. "You guys left something at the counter." Gina said as she showed us 3 sodas while smiling at both of us. "What are you guys doing & where are you guys going?" Gina asked us, I thought that this was a perfect opportunity for her & Nini. "We're going to Nini's house for a movie night, wanna come?" I said as I saw Nini's cheek turn even more pink. "Sure, I love movies!" Gina said as we all walked to Nini's house & once we made it to her house, Nini pulled me into the kitchen to talk to me.

3rd POV (again): Once they made it to Nini's house, Nini pulled Ricky into the kitchen while Gina was in the living room setting up the snacks & sodas. "Ricky, are you crazy you know how I feel around her & why did you think it would be a good idea to let her join the movie night?" Nini asked him. "Because it's a great opportunity for you 2 to get together!" Ricky said as he smirked a bit as the kind girl started to blush like crazy, she understood that he was doing something nice but Nini scared of Gina not liking her. "Okay, let's make a deal if Gina & I try to get together then you have to ask a certain jock out." Nini said as she saw Ricky's cheek turning reddish & started to giggle at how red he was. "C'mon Neens that's not fair besides I don't think he likes me that anyway." He said as he clinched his arms then he put his head down, Nini tried to cheer her ex up somehow but they both heard someone say something about him & a certain jock, it was Gina

Ricky's POV (again): We turned around to see Gina standing there & putting a hand on my shoulder. "Oh Ricky, don't be like that besides he's pretty into you." Gina said as I saw her whisper in my ear. "H-he is?" I said as I was blushing like crazy. "Yeah, but we'll talk about that later, right now let's start movie night!" Gina said as I stopped blushing & both Nini & I went to the living room to start movie night. I'd asleep on one of the couches where I took a nap after the movie was over, I opened my eyes & noticed that Gina & Nini were asleep together on the other couch, Nini was sleeping on Gina's stomach while Gina was wrapped around Nini's back, I thought it was really cute so I grabbed a blanket from the supply closet, put it over both Gina & Nini while they slept on the couch, I also took a picture of it but I didn't put it online because I know that Nini would've been mad at me for doing that but I still have to wait until they get together.

I hope you guys liked it
That's all for now
See ya later
Bye lovelies

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