Kozume Kenma | Addiction

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Your local number one Kenma simp, ahahaahahaha

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Your local number one Kenma simp, ahahaahahaha... it's really unhealthy.

You shared a room closest to Kenma's, since you were a bit clingy towards him. You really couldn't tell if Kenma enjoyed your affection, but he secretly did.

You've been worrying about Kenma's health these past days, since he's been up playing his video games without any contact of rest to his body, nor any sleep.

You walk up to Kenma's door, already hearing the sounds coming off from his computer, or any device he had. You gave two knocks towards his door, waiting patiently. About a minute went by before you knocked again. Then again, till Kenma finally broke out of his contact with the game.

You heard the game music come to a pause, rustling and slight footsteps approaching the door. Kenma unlocked his door, opening it slightly, only showing his slim, brown cat-like eyes that stared at you.

"Oh, Kenma. Could I come in.. maybe?" You asked in a low tone, Kenma hesitated by looking down for a while before looking at your face. "Why?" He questioned in a monotone voice. "Um." You exhaled under your breath, pausing. "I'll show or um.. tell you." You quickly reply, Kenma staying hesitant the second time before he gave a silent nod. Kenma opened the door a bit wider so you could fit.

"Thanks." You gave him a smile as you were immediately greeted by a bright light coming from his computer, with no lights on in his room. You squinted your eyes, trying not to show off a rude attitude towards Kenma. "Would you mind turning on a light? Please?" You add to your words. Kenma turned on one of his lights next to him, sitting down on the edge of his bed.

"Why.. are you here?" Kenma questioned in a low tone, putting one knee up to his chin. "Oh, well um.. being honest." You tensed up, inhaling through your teeth. "I'm worried about you, Kenma. You.. haven't been getting any sleep in a long time." Quickly, your facial expression shifted to an concerned look, along with your tone.

"Oh." Kenma responded, grabbing his phone as he lost his interest in your topic. "I'm fine." Kenma muttered his words, scrolling his finger across his screen. You clicked your tongue with a frown, crossing your arms. "Hey.. Kenma. Why don't you teach me how to play one of your games?" You suggest, trying to get his attention.

Kenma's head went up, his eyes slowly dragging off of his phone screen as you mentioned about a game. "Y'know, since you're always into those." You jokingly add, Kenma softly grunting. "Okay." He gave a small nod, keeping his head lowered. Some small part of Kenma made him a bit excited to teach you about his favorite game.

"Um.. I was playing this game." Kenma got up from his bed, returning to the home screen of his video game. It was some type of fighting video game he enjoyed. "Ooh! That looks cool! How do you play?" You tilt your head to the side, showing curiosity. Kenma struggled to find his words a bit before speaking up.

"It's a fighting.. game. You can um.. pick a character to fight with." Kenma tried his best to explain as you blinked at him with a smile getting wider on your face. "Teach me how to play!" You slightly gave a demanding request, Kenma pulling out two chairs, and two controllers.

Kenma sat down in one of his chairs ad you repeated. He tapped the home button on one of his controllers as it didn't respond. Kenma softly grumbled under his breath as the controller remained dead with no charge. Kenma set the dead controller to the side. "I'll just show you." Kenma lowered his voice, pressing the start button.

"What are the controls? What does this button do?" You hover your finger over the reset button as Kenma quickly pushed your hand to the side, his eyes widened a bit. "Just watch. Don't touch." Kenma said with a slightly annoyed look as he glanced at your face, then back at the screen. "Sorry." You mutter, setting your hands down on your lap.

The game explained the rules, so it helped Kenma try not to explain everything little detail towards you. Though, your goal was to try to get Kenma off of his screens, you couldn't help yourself looking at Kenma showing slight excitement.

"I'm good at this character." Kenma spoke once again, as you snap out of your daze, looking at the screen once again. Kenma picked a cat-like character as the fight begun. Kenma remained silent, even if you spoke to him. That's probably why it took so long for Kenma to answer your constant knocking.

As the fight in the game continued, you rested your palm on the side of your face, your eyes lifting off the computer screen, and on Kenma's concentrated face. Kenma slanted his eyes a bit, along with his shoulders slowly rising as the last round grew a bit difficult for him.

Cool air blew from Kenma's mouth as the last round was over. He set his controller infront of him, looking over at your direction. "Hello..?" Kenma spoke, noticing your daze. "Wh-" You blink a couple of times, returning back to reality as Kenma stared at you with his sharp cat eyes.

"Oh, yes??" You look at Kenma, then at his screen, spotting a huge 'victory' word, showing he had won. "Oh, Kenma! You're really good at this game." You compliment with a smile as Kenma dipped his head, a small smile inching on his face. "Thanks." He responded, pressing continue for the game options.

"Do.. you want to play?" Kenma softly asked. You took your hand off your face. "Sure." You hesitantly responded as Kenma gave a nod, handing you the controller for you to pick your character. You weren't paying any attention during Kenma's or the game's demonstration.

Instantly, you were clueless of what to do with the controller. Kenma helped your out a bit as you finally got the the level of difficulty. Kenma slowly picking the easiest mode, almost his way of 'teasing' you. As soon as the game started, you started to spam the buttons, getting a bit of damage towards your opponent, but receiving more back.

The game was over quickly, the computer you were playing against eventually won. "Don't worry.." Kenma slowly looked at you, though you weren't really crushed about your defeat. "We.. can do something else." Kenma spoke again, turning his devices off as you gave a nod, Kenma laying his back on his bed. He wrapped the covers around his legs, standing his pillow up for support to his back.

Kenma stared at the spot that was open next to him on the bed, looking up at you, then down at that same spot. Kenma was silently telling you to lay beside him. Eventually, you got his word, laying beside him for a immediate cuddle to his arm. Kenma's eyes went directly to your face as he tensed his body up, slouching down with a soft, steamed blush on his face.

Kenma looked a bit uncomfortable, but he secretly enjoyed it. A lot. Kenma slowly wrapped his arm under yours, both of your hands locking together. Kenma slowly closed his eyes, his head resting on top of yours. A bigger smile formed on your face as you did the same action as Kenma's. Kenma repeated your smile a bit, eventually dozing off on top on your soft body.

As an anti-social person, Kenma has a favorite person.. 👀 /j

Have a wonderful day!

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