Drowning In Regret | AsaNoya [Angst]

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Part 2 to "Broken Promises"!

Nishinoya constantly banged his head against the wall of his room, still crying in the process. He wrapped his arms around his own body, giving himself a tight squeeze.

I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry, Asahi. Nishinoya repeated in his head, hoping he could transfer his thoughts to Asahi. The small libero finally got strength to try to contact Asahi again.

Immediately, Nishinoya's screen showed that he had been blocked. Setting his phone down beside him in utter defeat, he ran out of tears to spill, taking shallow breaths as he wiped his eyes with his shirt.

"I want you back, Asahi..." Nishinoya mumbled, running his fingers through his tall, dark brown hair stressfully. He knew he couldn't look at Asahi the same way when they're in the same school and team. He just.. couldn't.

The tiny libero slowly got onto his feet again, flapping the white colored covers to the bed, placing them down on top of the sheets. He eventually sat in the large bed, looking up at the ceiling as his brown eyes glimmered, slightly watering up again.

Why did I do this?


Why did he do that? That was the only question that floated and repeated throughout Asahi's mind. He narrowed his eyes down, sitting on a bench. Asahi had his own dorm, so he still had shelter.

The ace took down his small man bun with a sigh, wrapping a skinny white headband around his forehead. After lots of thinking to himself, he decided to make his way to his dorm.

Asahi closed the door behind him, almost slamming it out of frustration. He sat on the edge of his bed, putting one knee up to his chin, resting his chin. He finally decided to try to shake the topic that was forming a big hole in his stomach, opening his drawers to change clothing.

Why? Why did he hurt me?
Why did he lie to me?

He broke every single promise he gave me.


Asahi slammed his drawers harshly, causing a bunch of items that sat on top to fall down. A small sob escaped his throat as he moved away from his drawers, looking up at his volleyball uniform that was hung on his wall.

The main, crow colored jersey with orange highlights glistened in the light shown through his blinds. The large, white number; 3 imprinted in the middle of his jersey. Asahi held his breath for a moment, looking down at the floor.

He finally let out an exhale, shaking his head. He quickly gathered his thing that fell, changing into more loose clothing before wrapping himself up into his covers, dozing off into a quiet rest.

Though, Nishinoya could barely shake off the horrible, traumatic cause he made possible. He sat up, his back resting against the headboard of the bed. Even Nishinoya's girlfriend blocked and deleted his number.

He couldn't get any rest, only staring at his phone and the ceiling repetitive times before his eyes wandered off to his closet where his orange colored jersey stuck out.

He clenched his jaw with a soft grumble, fluffing his pillow before resting his head back down on it. The tiny libero shut his eyes, though it was impossible to doze off at that time. Every time he opened his eyes, he would stare directly at the uniform in his closet.

Nishinoya turned to the other side of his bed, taking the time to calm down, and finally dozed off.


The next early morning, Nishinoya arrived at the Karasuno gym, walking in the open doors, finding some of his teammates already practicing their positions. The libero had his head slightly down at the time and his mouth shut.

It was pretty obvious he wasn't acting like himself. He snuck a few glances around the gym in search of Asahi, but he was nowhere. Nishinoya suspected he was running late, though.

Minutes went by as Nishinoya grew impatient, eventually walking up to his closest friend, trying to act like himself at least.

"Hey.. have you seen Asahi today?" Nishinoya questioned immediately over to Tanaka. The wing-spiker blinked, looking at Nishinoya and immediately knowing he wasn't as loud and active as usual. Though, he responded.

"Oh, no. Not at all." Tanaka paused, stuffing his hands into his shorts as he bit his bottom lip. "You think he skipped volleyball practice today?" Tanaka questioned as Nishinoya paused with a grumble. "Hope not." He mumbled, walking away from the wing-spiker.

Tanaka watched his closest friend walk away irritatedly, confusion swirling on the inside of him. Nishinoya sat down, his back touching the wall of the gym. He huffed, pulling his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms over them as he stuffed his face in his arms.


Nishinoya slowly lifted his head up at that last name he heard. It was almost like an instinct to respond to that. He blinked, Hinata in front of him with a concerned face. "I was about to say we're about to start our practice match, and you should warm up first, but.." Hinata paused, his voice soft and wavery.

"Are you okay? You didn't respond to me at first.." The small middle blocker slightly tilted his head to the side, kneeling down beside him. Nishinoya hesitated, eventually giving a settled, fake smile towards the orange haired volleyball player.

"I'm fine, Shoyo. Just a bit tired, that's all." Nishinoya gave a small nod, before asking the same thing he asked Tanaka. "Um, by the way. Have you seen Asahi anywhere?" Nishinoya questioned. He was pretty desperate to see him again. He wanted to apologize face to face now.

"Oh.. I haven't, sorry." Hinata gave a small frown, quickly disappearing as he held out his hand in front of Nishinoya's face. "C'mon, let's play some volleyball." Hinata smiled as Nishinoya gave a slight nod, grabbing the middle blocker's hand.

"Yeah." Nishinoya gave a faint smile towards Hinata as he giggled, running over to the court. Nishinoya looked behind his shoulder, at the open doors. Still, no sign of Asahi.

Where are you..?

Woo! That definitely gives my hand an exercise.

Have a wonderful day!

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