Ryunosuke Tanaka | Love at First Sight

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Tanaka was walking down the sidewalk, his hands stuffed into his pants's pockets. He had two white colored earbuds in his ears, humming a tune underneath his breath. He accidentally bumped into you a bit harshly, making you stumble back. Tanaka paused, taking one of his earbuds out of his ears.

"Oh! Sorry about tha-" Tanaka cut himself off, blinking a couple of times as he noticed your appearance was stunning. A faint pink hue was formed on his face quickly. The wing spiker closed his jaw, looking like you took all of his breath away in an instant.

You looked upon the flustered and awe-shruck volleyball a bit confusingly, letting out an awkward, yet nervous soft laugh. "You're fine, no worries."

"Wow, um." Tanaka swallowed the lump in his throat nervously, fidgeting with his hands in his pockets. He wanted to say more, but he was slightly panicking at the beauty in front of him. Tanaka knew he was running out of time before it became more awkward than it should've been.

"Sorry again. It's just that you're really pretty." Tanaka slightly blurted out, his mind getting to the best of him. Both of you went silent as Tanaka stiffened up, realizing what he said. The wing spiker tried to cover up that small slip up with other unnecessary words that mostly came out as stammers.

Tanaka's rambling was cut off by an actual, soft laugh from your throat. He blinked rapidly, a confused smile inching across his face. "Thanks, I appreciate it." You almost mumble before speaking clearly. "You are?"

This was it. This was the moment for Tanaka to introduce himself. Not awkwardly, not creepy, or not unsettling. Just a normal introduction of his name. He felt his heart tumble nervously as he opened his mouth. "Taaaank..?" Tanaka paused, dismissing that sudden word that rolled off his tongue.

"Pff-ha! Tank, hm?" You raised your eyebrows with a small grin-like smile, almost like you were teasing him. Tanaka shook his head, rubbing the back of his neck as an embarrassed colored hue appeared on his face.

You finally realize that Tanaka was actually struggling to say the words that wouldn't leave his throat anytime soon. All this time you thought it was an act. Your teasing-like smile slightly dropped as you tilted your head. "Sorry, sorry. Take your time." You immediately add on.

Tanaka only responded with another nervous smile, his shoulders rising slowly. "Tanaka. Tanaka Ryunosuke." The wing spiker exhaled, giving an actual, genuine smile towards your direction.

"Oh! Well, nice to meet you, Rrrr...yuuu..?" You squinted your eyes, trying to remember how to pronounce his name, since he just told you. Tanaka slightly snickered, placing both of his hands into his pockets again. "Ryunosuke. Ryu for short, but you can call me Tanaka if you want."

"Alright, gotcha. Tanaka." You paused. "Oh right, I'm Y/N." You immediately say afterwards. Tanaka's eyes slightly widen as he felt himself holding his breath for no reason. That's such a beautiful name!

You both smile at each other pretty adoringly before a vibrant and noisy ringing sound emerged from your phone. You slightly jolted out of your gaze, quickly answering the phone while holding up one finger towards Tanaka. You placed the phone up to one of your ears, your eyes slightly squinted.

"Okay.. okay, I get it. I'll be there, okay." You spoke to the person over the phone with a slightly annoyed tone. After they were done speaking, you hung up, placing your phone in your jacket pocket with an exhale. Tanaka eyed your phone, noticing he took up too much time trying to at least say, "could I get your number?"

Tanaka found the words clogged in his throat again as you turn towards his direction. "Well, um. I've been out for so long, my mom's getting pretty worried. So, um.." You clear your throat, deciding to hold out your hand in front of the wing spiker. "I'll see you next time, hopefully, Tanaka." You let out a soft laugh that instantly melted Tanaka's heart.

His gaze slightly softed before snapping out of his small daydream. "Yeah, same here." Tanaka snickered, quickly accepting the handshake before you were the first to walk away. Tanaka stuffed his other hand in his pocket again before noticing a small item at the bottom of his pants's pocket.

Out of curiosity, he pulled out the item appearing to be a small note of some sort with a written phone-number. Tanaka skimmed through the numbers until he found a small message at the bottom. "Let's talk some more! I wanna know more about you. You seem like an interesting guy, y'know? If that's alright of course!" -Y/N

Immediately, Tanaka grew flustered over a small note, squeezing his eyes shut before holding on to that note. There was no way he'd turn down that offer from you.

There was hope after all.
Hope for you two to grow a stronger bond.

I think the fandom sees Tanaka as an idiot simp, but he's not at all.
I mean, he does fall head over heels for Kiyoko, but still respects women.

Have a great day!

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