Tetsurou Kuroo | Unexpected Surprise

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I didn't have any time to write a Kuroo chapter on his birthday yesterday, apologies !!

But, enjoy this belated birthday chapter ^^

You were practicing your spikes with your friend, Kuroo inside of the gym of the training camp, yet the only problem was there was no proper setter, only one tiny manager who agreed to at least try to set.

You glance over at the manager, keeping your words and thoughts to yourself before looking at Kuroo. He turned his head over your direction, knowing exactly what you were thinking just by your face.

"Hey, uh." Kuroo cleared his throat, getting the manager's attention. The middle blocker blew out an exhale before speaking up again. "We're going to be right back, and, uh. You probably want toooo.." Kuroo glanced at you again as a signal to help him out a bit.

"Oh, yeah. We're going to take a quick break, so you should probably... do that.. too..?" Your voice got lower with each word that left your mouth. What you both were really trying to say was to find an actual setter to replace the manager, but.. in a nice way.

They tilted their head to the side for a second before giving a slow, confused nod. You lifted part of the net over your head, ducking down so you could get to the other side. You stood beside him, motioning your hand towards him so you could whisper.

"I mean, look. What other setter is available right now? Should we just stick with the manager for now?" You question, changing your mind about this. Kuroo looked down at the floor before responding.

"I tried to ask Kenma, yet I got the same answer." Kuroo paused, huffing. "It was a no, if you were wondering." Kuroo quickly added on. "Have you tried Akaashi?" You whisper back as he slightly shrugged. "I doubt he's free, since he's been practicing with Bokuto lately."

You squint your eyes at the tall middle blocker. "Let's just try." You grab Kuroo's hand before he could even respond or react, pulling him out of the gym in search of the setter.

"Alright, alright! No rush, you're going to pull my arm off, Y/N." Kuroo grinned, yet not even trying to get out of your grip.
As you and Kuroo tried to search for Akaashi, Kuroo went silent, glancing at the ground again, then back at you when you weren't looking.

Aren't they going to notice soon? Kuroo thought, forming a small frown on his face. You looked back over at Kuroo, blinking. "Hey, you good there? You haven't been talking for a while." You asked as Kuroo looked up. "Oh, yeah. Just in deep thought." He mumbled.

You gave a soft smile towards him before walking in the last gym. You took a deep breath, crossing your fingers in hope to find the skilled setter. The gym was dark when you both entered it. You placed your hand on the wall, trying to feel for the light.

Eventually, you clicked one of the lights on to the big gym before others flickered on too. You and Kuroo glanced at the big enough banner-like message that looked like was hung up by the ceiling. It read "Happy Birthday" in all bold, yet with a small "belated" in the middle that was squeezed in.

Below, was the rest of Nekoma ... and the two Fukrodani volleyball players, Bokuto and Akaashi who were also in on this surprise.

"C'mon, guys." Yaku whispered impatiently, looking over his shoulder for the signal before everyone spoke up. "Happy belated birthday, Kuroo!" Some beamed.

You looked up at Kuroo, giving him a tight squeeze of a hug. "Happy birthday." You add on after everyone cheered. Kuroo paused, looking down at you. "Wh... YOU we're in on this too??" Kuroo blinked shockingly as you nodded with a snicker. "You should've seen the look on your face at first." You poke the side of his face.

He placed his hand on top of your head with a grin. "I should've known.. you little sneaky..." Kuroo ruffled your hair, looking up and spotting his other friend, Bokuto approaching you two with his arms over his head. You quickly moved out of the way, knowing well Bokuto would try to pounce and hug that guy.

You glanced at Akaashi who stood next to you. You held up your hand as Akaashi blinked before getting the message. Eventually, he returned the high-five. "This was thankfully a success." Akaashi mumbled with a relieved sigh, watching Bokuto and Kuroo do their own idiotic stuff from afar.

"Agreed. As along as they're happy, we're good." You slightly laugh, before pausing and looking at the setter next to you again. "Oh right. About the practice game with me and Kuroo..."

Ah yes, happy belated birthday to the best edgy rooster in the whole Haikyuu anime.

Have a great day!

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