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(3rd POV)

A young Y/N was strolling around Oceanside, a lovely small town located next to the ocean, hence the name. You loved to stroll around the edge of town because of the clear view of the ocean. The captivating sight of the deep blue sea goes as far as the eye can see. You'd always find yourself at the docks, staring off to the horizon. Whether when the sun was setting, the moon was glowing above, or sometimes when the sun was rising if your parents allows it. It always brings you a sense of peace.

???: Stop it! Leave me alone!

That peace was soon disturbed when you heard someone in trouble. You followed that distressed cry toward the docks. That's when you see a couple of older kids picking on a little girl similar to your age.

Bully 1: What's with your skin? And that weird hair?

Bully 2: Her ears look like fish fins.

Bully 3: She's such a freak!

???: Please, stop it!

The girl was on the verge of tears. You couldn't stand there and let this continue on, so you spoke up.

Y/N: Hey! Leave her alone!

The bullies stopped harassing her and turned towards you.

Bully 1: Aww, are you her boyfriend, trying to be her knight in armor?

They snickered as you hold your ground. The girl watches in fear for your safety

Y/N: That doesn't matter, you shouldn't pick on people because they're different.

Bully 3: And who are you to lecture us? You're not our dad.

Y/N: No, but if you don't stop you'll regret it.

Bully 2: (sarcastic) Ohhhh, I'm so scared. What are you gonna do?

You then took off the backpack that you carried around and dug into it. The bullies just stood there and watch along with the girl. Soon you found what you were looking for and pulled them out.

Y/N: This!

You threw the items at the bullies' feet and they were dumbfounded. What you threw were three corndogs, one for each of them. They just stared at them for a moment before bursting out laughing.

Bully 3: This is your big plan? Give us snacks?

Bully 2: *picks one up* Oh no! What will I do with a full stomach?

The bully then took a bite out of it despite it being on the ground.

Bully 1: What a dumb kid!

The bullies continued to laugh as the other two picked up a corndog. However, they failed to notice seagulls landing on the docks one by one. It wasn't until they stopped laughing that they noticed they were surrounded by dozens of seagulls. The flock of birds stared at the bullies, more specifically the corndogs they were holding. As soon as they realize this, they started to panic.

Bully 1: Uh, nice birdies?

The flock didn't hesitate to attack the three bullies, trying to get the corndogs. They screamed in terror as they try to swat away the flock. The three then ran away from the docks with the flock of birds still chasing them. As soon as they were gone, you approached the scared girl.

Y/N: Are you okay?

???: *sniffs* Yea.

As she wipe away her tears, you took a moment to examine the girl. She had blue skin, unlike any other person you had met. her hair was like tentacles and her ear did kinda did look like fins. Plus, she doesn't have a nose.

Ruby Gillman x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now