Sea-Girl Ditch Day

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(Y/N's POV)

As I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, I let out a groan. Sleeping was a bit difficult since I was still processing everything that had happened. It was hard to believe that Ruby was royalty, Chelsea was a mermaid, and I had feelings for my best friend. It was a lot to take in, but one thing was for sure - I needed to tell her my feelings soon. I just hope that confessing won't ruin our friendship. But I couldn't spend all day in bed, so I got up, did my morning routines, and headed downstairs to join my parents at the table for breakfast.

F/N: Morning, son. Sleep well?

Y/N: Yeah, Kind of.

M/N: Is everything alright?

Y/N: Yeah everything is fine.

We sat there in silence for a bit before I took a breath and prepared for the inevitable.

Y/N: So Mom, Dad, can I ask you guys something?

F/N: Sure, what do you need?

Y/N: How... did you guys propose to each other to prom?

As soon as I asked, they both looked at me with different expressions. Dad with a knowing smirk and Mom with curiosity.

M/N: Might I ask why the sudden question?

Y/N: *nervous* Well... I was thinking of asking... Ruby... to prom.

Everything became silent. No one said a word. It was so quiet, you could almost hear a pin drop. But then...


Mom let out an excited squeal like a high school girl. She then rushed around the table and caught me in a super tight hug.

M/N: My little Guppy is growing up! I'm so happy!

My Dad merely chuckled as he watched Mom's affection smother me.

F/N: So you came to terms with your feelings for her.

Y/N: *straining* Yeah you could say that.

Before I passed out from her constricting grip, she let go of me allowing me to breathe. 

M/N: Sorry I couldn't hold in my excitement. I always knew you two would get together eventually.

Y/N: I wouldn't assume things so soon. I just discovered my feelings for her and don't even know if she feels the same for me.

F/N: Hey chin up sport, just because you don't know, doesn't mean that it's not possible. Have a little faith.

Maybe he's right. He did say that I'll have to take the leap of faith if necessary.

Y/N: Ok, I will.

F/N: Good. Now... *clasp hands together* about your proposal to prom, or what's the term youngsters say these days? Prom... posal? You can go in a lot of different ways. You do something spontaneous, like something with confetti.

I cringed at the word "confetti."

M/N: Maybe something simple like a poem or love letter.

That sounds like a good idea, but will it work? Would it be too cheesy? Will she like cheesy? We have eaten a lot of cheese in the past.

F/N: But you know what I believe would be the best way to propose? Do it in a way that tells how well you know her. That's how I propose to your mother.

Ruby Gillman x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now