Mornings at Oceanside

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(Author's Notes: Thank you all for the support and the views, I really appreciated it. I was kind of afraid this would be a bad idea, but you guys were actually interested in it so I'm feeling confident in this story. On a side note, I was thinking of doing another one similar to this but with a different twist. But I think I leave it to the side until this one is finished and hope nobody beats me to the punch. Anyway, Hope you'll like this chapter and I'll see you later.)




(Years later, Y/N's POV)

*annoying alarm noises*

I groaned as I attempted to turn off my clock. After a few misses, I put the annoying machine on snooze before I lazily woke from my nice, comfortable bed. Currently, I was grown up in my teenage years and was in my senior year at high school. It was hard to do the most challenging but with enough willpower, I persevered. It took a few stretches to get me fully awake. Afterward, I went on with my morning routine: taking a shower, brushing my teeth, fixing my hair, and getting dressed for the day. Once I was sure I was ready, I left my room to get some breakfast, passing by many of the aquatic-themed decor that decorated the house. There were even some picture frames of some exotic sea life.

I soon made it to the kitchen where my parents were already. My Mom was finishing cooking breakfast while my dad was having a cup of joe and reading the newspaper, probably looking for an article about marine life. It's no surprise since my parents are both Marine Biologists. They can get a little eccentric when there's a new discovery from the ocean, even more so when they're the ones to discover it. It can be embarrassing at times but you love them all the same. Besides, they're the reason you're so interested in the ocean to begin with. To think, that with all the knowledge we have of the ocean, it's only about 5% of what's been discovered. With the deepest depth ever explored by humans at almost 11,000 meters. That's deeper than how tall Mount Everest is. Who knows what other secrets the ocean is hiding?

Y/N: Morning, Mom. Morning, Dad.

F/N: Morning, Sport.

M/N: Morning, my little guppy!

She came over and gave me a tight hug and some kisses on the cheek. Another thing that is kind of embarrassing is how my mom loves to spoil me with affection.

Y/N: *groans* Mom! I'm not a kid anymore!

M/N: Oh, but you'll always be my little guppy fish!

I rolled my eyes but smiled and returned the hug. Guess I can't blame her for showing her only child love and affection. Just wish she would ease up on it.

F/N: Now, honey, he does got a point. He's a growing man, especially with prom coming up.

Of course, how can I forget about prom? The supposedly most important event for any teenager.

M/N: *Sigh* Prom. I still remember it like it was yesterday. It was the night Me and your Father started dating y'know.

Y/N: I know mom. You both told me the stories many times before.

It's true, they love to share their love stories whenever they have the chance. To simplify their story. They both grew up in Oceanside. They were close friends and Biology partners growing up, but over time they developed feelings for each other. Both of them were too nervous to tell the other how they felt, afraid that they'd get rejected. It wasn't until prom that they built up the courage to tell each other how they felt. Since then they started dating and the rest is history.

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