Being Rejected Isn't So Bad (Hinted HorrorKill)

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Requested by someone from my old oneshot books, but, again, I don't know who.

And again, edited it to be better.

I hope you like it!

Side Ship: Crossmare


"I'm sorry Killer..."

Cross frowned sadly, staring at the skeleton in front of him. But Killer just smiled. It was empty and held no humor like it normally did. He looked away, hoping to hide the tears welling in his eye sockets. "It's okay Cross, I expected it... I just needed to get it off my chest before it killed me.." He chuckled weakly.

Cross frowned more, hesitating before pulling the slightly taller skeleton into a hug. "You deserve the best Killer. You deserve someone who loves you, and only you. I... I can't give you that.." Cross ducked his head, a purple hue lighting his cheeks slightly. "I love Nightmare.."

"I know," Killer choked out, a strained smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around Cross, "I know Cross. I wasn't trying to pressure you. Like I said, it was killing me, keeping it from you." What he didn't say was that, now, knowing that Cross didn't like him back, it was killing him as well. He wiped his eyes quickly when a tear fell. Killer pulled back, his usual grin sitting in his face. "And the Boss likes you too, ya know?"

Cross flushed brightly, stuttering around his words before settling on, "You don't know that."

Killer scoffed and crossed his arms. "Are you serious? Crossy-boy, have you seen the way the octo-bitch looks at you? He looks at you like you're the most precious thing in the whole multiverse, like you are the only thing that he cares about." You probably are, Killer thought bitterly. Rationally, he knew the boss cared for them, all of them, but in this moment, the moment after rejection, he couldn't help but feel bitter.

Cross smiled shyly, his face a bright purple. "Thank you Killer, but... are you sure?"

Killer groaned and rubbed his eyesockets, raising a brow at the skeleton. "Cross, I hope you know the entire time that we've been talking, Nightmare has been staring at us," he paused, "well, staring at you, he's been glaring at me."

Cross gaped, turning his head to the side. True to his words, Nightmare was sitting on the couch, book in hand, and staring at the two. When Nightmare caught Cross' eyes, he looked down at his book, trying to make it seem like he wasn't watching.

Cross cleared his throat quietly, turning back to Killer. "...Maybe you're right." Killer burst out laughing, leaning on the wall for support. "It's not funny!" Cross squawked, face flushed as he slapped Killer's shoulder.

"Sorry, sorry," he wheezed, trying to get his breathing under control, "sorry." He cleared his throat and stood up straight. He smirked at the black and white coded skeleton, "Maybe now, you could stop hiding and go confess."

Cross scoffed, crossing his arms. "Yeah, right." He sighed, glancing back over at Nightmare. It seems the goopy skeleton was actually interested in his book this time. A small smile formed on his face. "... I might. Later. Right now, I do want to see what he's reading though."

Killer grinned at him, pushing him over to their boss. "Go get 'em, tiger," he smirked smugly. Cross rolled his eyelights and flipped Killer off before walking over to Nightmare.

His smile faded. He watched as Cross leaned on Nightmare's shoulder after greeting him and asked what he was reading. Nightmare glanced at Cross before speaking lowly, saying something that Killer couldn't hear. He seen Cross nod his head, reading the book from over his shoulder.

It pains his soul, seeing the two cuddle, but... if Cross is happy, he'll learn to ignore it. Killer's frown turned into a sad smile as Cross looks up and waves at him. He waves back before silently making his way out of the living room. He walked the halls, all the way to his room.

Opening the door, he sat on his bed. He sighed. He shouldn't have told Cross. Maybe then, he wouldn't have suffered the embarrassment of rejection.

A knock on his opened door draw his attention away from his thoughts. He looked up, surprised when Horror was the one standing there. He was frowning softly, hand picking at the hole in his head. "Killer?.." he murmured, tilting his head, "are ya... okay?" He slurred slightly.

Killer nodded, raising a brow at Horror. "Hasn't boss told you not to mess with that?" He gestured to his head.

Horror brought his hand down, shrugging sheepishly as he stepped into the room. "Sorry.." he took a seat next to Killer on his bed. "What... 'appened?"

"Cross rejected me," he said simply. "He said he liked Nightmare." Killer forced a smile. Horror's eyesockets narrowed in sympathy. He reached out, pausing before tugging Killer close and into a hug.

Killer tensed up and his smile fell slowly. He melted into the embrace, tears welling in his eyesockets. He took a deep breath, wrapping his arms around Horror and burrowing his face in his neck.

"It's okay... Kills.. Being rejected... isn't so bad.." Horror rumbled from above him, rubbing his back. "I was... rejected before as well... It didn't... bother me much.." Horror tried for his usual grin but it looked forced.

Lair, you can't keep that face all the time, Killer thought. He scoffed, "How can being rejected not be so bad?" He questioned as he shifted his head to look at Horror, leaning it on his shoulder.

Horror hummed softly, staying silent for a moment to gather his thoughts. Killer stayed quiet, not at all minding how Horror need a minute to speak. "It gives ya... the opportunity to find... the right one for ya... ya know?.. The one who... only loves you..." He finally said.

Killer thought about it for a bit. He wasn't wrong. Him and Cross dating wouldn't have been good for either of them. Cross would have dated him while he loved Nightmare and Killer would have to deal with love that wasn't meant to be his.

"Kills?.." Horror mumbled, nudging him lightly. Killer looked up at him, watching as the taller frowned at him, worry in his eyes. "Did I... say something.. wrong?"

Killer laughed softly, shaking his head. "Nah, I was just thinkin', big guy." Killer smiled, moving away before climbing all the way on his bed to lay down. He patted the bed next to him, raising a brow at Horror.

Horror tilted his head before following what Killer did. He laid on his side, facing Killer. Killer grinned at him before shifting closer, snuggling into the tallers' chest. "Comfort me," he said teasingly, only half joking.

Horror snorted quietly but didn't object as he wrapped his arms around the skeleton and pulled him closer. Killer blushed slightly, smiling into his chest and nuzzling him.

I guess Horror's right. Being rejected isn't so bad, Killer thought as his eyes slipped shut, sighing quietly.

And it wasn't. Killer fell in love with someone who he never thought he would. Someone who loved him back. Love is a somewhat twisted thing, but it always works out in the end.

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