Unknown Glitch (ErrorInk)

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Requested by Rocklife_ (ThatFreakWhoHauntsU) on Ao3!


"Blue!" Ink laughed in shock as he walked in on the blue skeleton. Said skeleton was doing a handstand, books on both his feet as he tried to walk on his hands. Blue startled when Ink walked in, his concentration broken and books falling to the floor as Blue tilted back with a yelp. He landed on the floor with a thump.

"Dream dared me too!"

There was a noise of offense from the couch, Ink looking over to see Dream. The Guardian of Positivity gaped at Blue before glaring light-heartedly. "I did not dare you too," he scoffed, rolling his eyelights, "I just asked you if you thought you could do it." He grinned mischievously, looking far to satisfied with himself.

Ink sighed, rising a 'brow' as Blue retorted back. He walked over, slowly picking up the books that fell, making sure Broomie didn't fall off his back, before one of the titles caught his eye. He examined it, shock spreading through him as he looked at the other books. He pouted, "these are mine.." he grumbled to himself, starting to slot them in their correct places on the bookshelf.

Dream and Blue were still arguing, a headache slowly forming in the creators' skull. He turned around to yell at them to stop, but he saw something move from the corner of his eye. He looked over, 'eyebrows' furrowed. The corner of the room was... warped in a way. It looked like an illusion, shifting and waving every second.

Ink tilted his head. He didn't do that. Even if he has a bad memory, he was pretty sure he would remember if he warped the living room... maybe.

He glanced back at Dream and Blue, the two still arguing. "Guys," Ink called, only to be ignored. He glared at them, not appreciating their ignorance before hesitating. He sighed, deciding fuck it, what's the worse that could happen?

A lot, apparently.

He paused when he was right in front of the warped corner. He glimpsed back at his teammates, both of them pausing their argument as they watched Ink with careful eyes. "Ink, be careful..." Dream spoke, creeping forward with Blue.

Ink rolled his eyelights, looking back at the warped corner. He was always careful, thank you very much. He reached out his hand, brushing it against the ripples. Nothing happened. Ink's eyebrows furrowed, confused. He stood back up, taking a step back before turning around completely. "Nothing..."

When he looked at Dream and Blue, their eyes were wide. "Ink, watch out!" Blue shouted, reaching out to grab Ink, but he was too late. Ink yelped as he was yanked backwards. His arms snapped out, grabbing onto something. When he turned his head to look, the warped space behind him was opened up, a small portal sucking him in. He watched in horror as Broomie was sucked into the portal.

"Shit!" He cursed, hand wrapping around Dream's and then Blue's when the Guardian and swap skeletons reached out. "What the hell is this!?"

"I don't know!" Dream hissed back. Ink looked back at the portal, trying to see to the other side. It didn't help much, it was too dark to see anything that would help him identify where it lead.

"Ink! You're slipping!" Blue cried out in panic, causing Ink to look at him. His hands were slowly slipping out of his teammates' hold. His eyes widened, gritting his teeth as he tried to hold on.

"No, no no no!" Dream yelped. Ink felt Dream's hand completely losing its hold on his own.

"Fuck!" Ink eyes widened as Blue's hand slipped away from him as well, yelling as he was sucked into the portal. The last thing he saw was Dream and Blue trying to reach out to him.

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