Chapter one Camerons POV (edited)

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You know your life has gotten pretty pathetic when you end up being at the bar every Saturday night, drinking alone. I had no friends, so I couldn't really call anyone up and have them drink with me. So, I had resorted to drinking by myself. I've been to the same bar so many times, that the bartender knows me by my name, and knows what my usual drink is.

I sighed and ran a hand through my shaggy brown hair. I have sure come pathetic,I thought to myself. I surveyed all the other people in the bar. Everyone else was either with  group of friends, or their significant other. While I sat there, all by myself. I wasn't lonely by any means though. I enjoyed being by myself most of the time. Meeting people usually ends up badly.

"Kyle, I really don't want to drink tonight." A girls voice said from beside me. I didn't mean to eves drop. But it's what I did when I went to the bar. It was much easier hearing about other peoples problem, than dealing with my own. 

"Come on babe, we're at a bar, you can't just come here and not drink." A guy with blonde hair said back to her. I couldn't help but wonder why this women had come to the bar, if she didn't want to drink. Usually that's the only reason anyone ever went to a bar.

She looked hesitant. "You know why I don't like drinking."

The guy sighed in defeat. "Fine." He quickly faced the bartender and ordered a coke. The guy then quickly made sure she wasn't looking, pulled out a bag of pills and put one in her soda.

I rolled my eyes at him. I wondered to myself if she even realized how much of an asshole her boyfriend was. Not really wanting to start anything, I turned around and drank my own drink. But of course, my conscious was getting to me. If she something happened that night and she had gotten raped, it would've been my fault. Even if I knew I probably wasn't going to see her again that night. I didn't want that kind of thing on my hands.

I sighed and turned around, and I saw that the guy was gone. The girl was still standing at the bar, awkwardly sipping her drink. I could tell how out of place she felt being there. Her eyes were anxiously scanning, waiting for him to return from wherever he went. I groaned and put my drink down. "I wouldn't be drinking that if I were you."

The girl turned and looked at me with her beautiful brown eyes, confusion in them. "Excuse me?" I had to pause for a minute when I realized just how beautiful she was. With her black wavy hair that came just past her shoulders, and her plump pink lips that I wouldn't mind kissing.  I mentally shook my head.

"Your boy put some pills in there. I'm pretty sure they weren't the good kind either." I said, nodding to the drink in her hand.

She looked down at her drink, and back up to my face, narrowing her eyes. "You must of have me mixed up with someone else. Why would my boyfriend try to drug me?"

I looked around the bar and saw that her boyfriend was nowhere near. sighing, I stood up facing her, my figure towering over her small one. "Look, you may not believe me or are in denial, but I really can't let you go with him." I said, concerned.

She started to look nervous. She slowly set her drink down and looked around the bar, probably searching for Kyle. She probably thought I was the crazy one trying to take advantage of her. To bad she didn't realize that I wasn't the one she should've been afraid of. I sighed and quickly grabbed her hand before she could take off. "I'm not going to hurt you, I swear." I said, trying to comfort her. "I really can't let you go with him. It won't end well." I said in the softest voice possible. I really didn't want to scare her even more.

She swallowed nervously. Her eyes were full of fear. "I-I don't even know you."

I looked at her and could easily tell that the drug was slowly taking effect."How about we go outside and talk?" I suggested. I wanted to get her out of there before the boyfriend returned. I really didn't want to have to get into a fight if I didn't have to.

She nodded slowly, looking completely dazed. I could tell the drug had slowly taken its effect. 

I quickly guided her outside of the bar, not wanting her to pass out inside and making a scene. The whole way we walked she was walking as if she was drunk. When we got outside, I quickly signaled for a cab.

"What are you doing, I can;t leave without my boyfriend" She slurred. There was a slight hint of fear in her eyes. I felt my heart pull at the sight. I barely knew the girl, and the thought of her fearing me killed me. I had seen that look way to many times from other people.

I sighed and picked her up bridal style, making her gasp out in surprise. I gently set her down in the cab. By this time, she was just barely awake. The cab driver looked back, a nervous look on his face. I knew it looked shady, and I had hoped he wouldn't call the cops. I quickly gave him my address.

By the time we got to my apartment, she had already passed out. I quickly handed the driver the money, and got out of the car with the girl.

I couldn't believe I had just taken some strange girl from the bar, and took her  to my place. I felt like I was doing something illegal. I knew I wasn't though. I knew that if I would've just left her there with her boyfriend, he would've raped her. I knew how rape can affect someone. My mom was raped a long time ago, it was how I was conceived. She hadn't been the same since. My grandparents felt strongly against abortion, so as soon as I was born, she signed over her rights to them and left the state. I reminded her to much of her rapist I guess.

I gently set the girl down onto my bed. She almost looked peaceful, despite being drugged. It took all that I had in me not to go back to the bar and find him. It confused me as to why I felt so protective of this girl. I didn't even know her name, or even how old she is. But there was just something about her.

I shook my head of my thoughts and made myself stop staring at her. I slowly walked over to the closet and got a heavy blanket and draped it over her. She drank a lot of the soda, so she had to of had enough of the drug to knock her out for awhile. I predicted that she probably wouldn't be up until late morning. I made a mental note to make sure to check up on her throughout the night, to make sure the drug didn't do any harm to her. 

I slowly walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water, to try to sober myself up a bit. I went into the living room and plopped down on the couch, propping my feet up on the coffee table in front of me.

I couldn't believe that I had some random girl passed out in my bed. If anyone walked into my apartment and saw her like that, I would've probably had the cops called on me. There was just something about her though. She was pretty attractive. I hadn't been with any girl since I was younger. It had been a few years since I had even hooked up with a girl. But how I was before, I didn't think any girl would've wanted to be with me.

Sure, I had girls throwing themselves at me, but they only wanted to sleep with me and find a new man to fuck. I didn't really mind at first, I didn't want to settle down. I knew deep down that nobody would've wanted to be in a serious relationship with me. But, once I snapped out of it and realized how horrible my life was, It really disgusted me how bad of a person I had become. It was almost as if I had an Epiphany, and I completely changed as a person.

I quickly tipped my head back and drank the rest of my water. I really didn't want to deal with tomorrow and have to explain to the girl why she was even in my bed. I knew she was probably going to panic as soon as she realized where she was. I hoped she'd believed me though about the guy. I would've hated to see her get hurt. 

I mentally shook my head. I really needed to stop worrying about some stupid girl, I thought to myself.

I finally let my eyes drift closed, and fell asleep, dreading the next morning.

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