chapter four Alex's POV (edited)

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                                                                                Alex's POV

I always hated working at the diner. Between the rude customers, and the smell of greasy food constantly surrounding me, it wasn't exactly the best job in the world. But it helped pay for the rent, so I couldn't complain too much. Despite being so behind rent all the time.  I was always on the lookout for a new job though, but the diner had better pay than any other place that was hiring. So I was stuck until otherwise.

That day was slower than usual. Usually by noon, the place would be packed with the lunch crowd. For some reason, everyone thought the diner was the best place to get homemade fried chicken. During lunch, there was always a special for it. It came with mashed potatoes and turkey gravy, and  corn. A  normal fried chicken dinner I guess.

Normally when I worked, I was usually focused and always had a smile on my face, despite anything that was going on. My boss always told me that the more I smiled, the better tips I would get. But for some reason that day, I kept getting distracted. I kept thinking about the night at the bar. Even though I didn't believe anything that the guy had warned me about, I still wanted to know the truth. I kept thinking about the future we Kyle and I, and if we would be together much longer. Ever since he brought up the conversation about us to start having sex, he has been acting so distant. I had started to fear that he was maybe cheating on me. 

"Alex, someone's sitting at your booth." Ashley called, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I sighed. "Thanks, ashl."  I then picked up my pad of paper and pen, and made my way towards the booth. "Hello, my names Alex and I'll be your server for today, can I start you off with something to drink?" I asked, my eyes on my paper. I didn't even put in effort in that day.

"So, your names Alex." He said.

I instantly recognized the voice, and snapped my head up, coming face to face to the pair of hypnotizing blue eyes I had met earlier the other day. Just when I thought I was never going to see him again, I see him at my work. The diner rarely ever has any new customers, it's always just the usual customers, so I would've recognized him the first time I saw him if he had ate there before.  I quickly composed my face and gave him a bored look. "Am I going to have to get a restraining order against you?" I asked.

He let out a soft chuckle. "That would be unnecessary. I didn't even know you worked here." He pointed out.

I sighed. "Are you going to place your order or what?" I asked, wanting to walk away as soon as possible.

"two coffees please." He said.

 "do you guys already know what you want?" I asked.

"I'll have just a salad." the other guy said.

I quickly scribbled it down and looked at Cam. "I'm good with the coffee."

I quickly turned around and walked back to the counter, feeing his eyes on me the entire time. I quickly put their order in the window, and quickly retreated to the back. I sighed tiredly and got the coffee.  "Do you know them?" Ashley asked, curiously

"Kind of." I admitted.

She raised her eyebrow, looking at me questionably. "You know a hot guy and you didn't tell me? You have a boyfriend, you should learn to share." She teased.

I laughed. "Trust me, if I knew by me giving him your number that would get him off my back, I would do it in a heartbeat."

"You always get the hot guys." She pouted.

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