Chapter twelve. Alex's POV

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Well, here it is, the LAST chapter of dangerous love! :) I would like to give a big thank you to gracearnhold! I'm dedicating her this last chapter, andthe whole book to her, because she gave me so much support and stuck with this story! :) It means so much to me when people read my stories, and enjoy them, it makes my day! :) Please go check out her story Summer hope, it's a really good story, andit has one direction in it, so it's a plus! :P They're like my third favorite band, so I'm reall enjoying the story, keep up the good work! :) I also hope you stick around and read my new story, when ever I get finished with it. :P Who knows though, this story only took me a month to write, so it might not be too long for my new one! :)

I will be uploading a review page for this story, like I did with the last one..The last one I didn't get any comments, so maybe you guys could comment and tell me what you thought about this whole story, and maybe some tips if you got any? I love getting tips on how to improve my writing! :) Anyways, I'm done talking now, I'll write like a whole page probably on the reviews. :P Enjoy this last chapter of dangerous love. :)

Be sure to follow me on twitter, and tumblr! Twitter link is on profuile, and the external link, and tumblr is on my profile. If you would like a follow back, just ask! :)

The song that goes with this chapter is I love you, by Avril LAvigne! Song is in the side bar! :D

                                                                        Chapter twelve

                                                                            Alex’s POV

“Mommy, mommy, look how pretty I look!” My four year old daughter exclaimed. I quickly turned away from my mirror and smiled. Courtney was standing there in her white flower girl dress, looking absolutely adorable.  I smiled and walked over, picking her up and placing her on my hip. “You do look pretty. You look like a big girl!” I exclaimed.

“Do I look as pretty as you?” she asked. My heart warmed at the look of her face. She would say the cutest things. “No. You look prettier.” I said. Courtney squealed and wrapped her arms around my neck, giving me a tight hug. I laughed and hugged her back.

“You better not ruin that hair that took me three hours to do.” Ashley warned.

I laughed and quickly set Courtney down. “I can’t hug my daughter?” I teased.

Ashley glared and shook her head. “Not when your wedding is going to start in five minutes.”

I sighed. I bent down and looked Courtney in the eyes. “Sweetie, please go out and stand at the door, remember what we practiced?” I asked.

Courtney quickly nodded and skipped away. I smiled at how cute my daughter was. She reminded me so much of Cameron, but she did have my attitude and she knew how to use it. “You excited?” Ashley asked, walking behind me and fixing my hair.

I took a deep breath and smiled. “A little nervous, but mostly excited.”

She smiled. “I’m so happy for you. You have a hot soon to be husband, and a gorgeous daughter.”

I smiled. I did consider myself very lucky. Not many people find the one that their destined to be with, but I did. There were a few bumps in the road, but I have learned to be thankful for the things that had happened to me, because if they hadn’t, I wouldn’t of even met Cameron. It’s hard to even think about where I would be if I didn’t even meet Cameron.

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