1.3: Ellaria - To Take Care of...

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Ellaria found Amren very interesting.

She had heard stories about her kind. The Angels of Death..

Ellaria never thought she would have the honor of meeting or fighting one, but now it seemed that honor was coming her way, for the shorter woman wanted Ellaria's head on a pike.

And Amren will get it, if the ruler of those lands blindly trusts Amren's words, seeing that for the moment the woman wanted her more dead than alive, given the hints of her existence in the place. Armen was a threat, and that was a quality Ellaria had always liked in women, so she couldn't be more than captivated by it. She hoped she could convince them not to kill her. She didn't know how aware the grim reaper was about her inability to die permanently, and she didn't want to give her that kind of scare to death.

Ellaria chuckled a little at her own joke as they flew up, hers clinging to Azriel's neck. She had not revealed that she herself was more than capable of flying on her own, preferring to admire up close the abilities of the peculiar winged race that her savior belonged to.

Azriel. He was different.

During all the time that she had been talking to him before Amren's arrival, the man had given her nothing. His face had been neutral and almost bored throughout. His shadows, on the other hand, seemed to manage regardless of what he felt and were more curious, trying to get closer to her every few seconds. However, it seemed that Azriel had some sense of authority towards them to a degree, as his gaze made them recoil whenever they got too close.

In the distance, the traces of civilization began to approach between the mountains. A small stone city rose between the mountains. They had not traveled very long.

The landing left them standing a few meters from where Amren waited with a not very happy winged man, probably the same race as Azriel. Around them, males predominated, dressed for war, sure in preparation for their arrival. While the few women he saw were either very old or escorted by more males. None of them seemed to be trained or prepared for a possible attack from her. The men seemed about to bare their teeth at her, which made Ellaria smile, knowing full well how it would end for them. But none of them approached or acted beyond a venomous look, much to her disappointment. They must have had orders not to.

"Your friends seem to have a natural talent for welcomes and hospitality" she said mockingly to Azriel, who looked at the nearest warriors in silent warning.

"Nobody in this place is nothing of mine" Azriel replied, his tone angry and offended by the insinuation, which drew Ellaria's attention. "And stop smiling at them like they're going to be your dinner, that will help their welcome" and with that he started walking towards the waiting duo. Ellaria followed him with a look at a little girl who was staring at her wide-eyed, while who Ellaria assumed was her mother dragged her away from the place. She smiled at the young girl unconsciously before looking away as she stood in front of Amren.

"You didn't say you would bring another witch to my camp." the upset man started the conversation, looking at Ellaria like she was crap under his boot.

"You wish she was a witch, Lord Devlon" Amren replied dryly, looking at him out of the corner of her eye. "It would be more challenging for her to kill you" the voice of the angel of death was mocking but warning.

"¿What is it, then?" Devlon spat, looking Ellaria up and down with disdain.

"I'm the closest you'll gonna to be to a god" Ellaria answered simply, and the man instinctively reached for his sword. She couldn't help but smile at the man.

How cute, she thought to herself, at his reaction.

"Ellaria will remain here until Rhysand deems it appropriate" Azriel sentenced, before Devlon could complain further or Ellaria could provoke him more.