Chapter 13

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Wendy and the rest of the group is running after Dustin

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Wendy and the rest of the group is running after Dustin.  Dustin smiles coming out of the woods.  "Something is happening."  But he keeps running.   Eddie and Wendy comes out together, looking at eachother.  "Dustin, can you slow down."  Eddie tries to say but Dustin doesn't do that, so they keep following him.  

"I think we're getting close.."  Dustin says without looking as he almost takes a step into the lake but Eddie stops him.  "Watch your steps, big guy."    Wendy sighes, she knows exactly where they are,  Lover's lake.

"There's a gate in lover's lake?"  Max asks confused.  "Whenever the demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening.  Maybe Vecna's the same."  Nancy tells them.   Steve nods.  "Yeah, only one way to find out."  

With that, they go and look for a boat so they can get to the gate and finally they does.  

Eddie and Steve help eachother put the boat in the lake.  "Easy, easy man."  Steve tells him.  "Sorry, dude."  Eddie answers back.  

Robin is the first to step into the boat, Eddie is second and Wendy is shortly behind him and then Nancy.   As Dustin is about to step into the boat, Eddie stops him.  "You trying to sink us? This boat holds four people, tops."    

Wendy smiles at him.  "It's better this way, Dustin.  Stay here with Max, keep her safe. Keep an eye out for trouble."    But Dustin doesn't like that.  "You keep an eye out!"

"It's my goddamn theory Wendy." Dustin tells her, clearly annoyed.  "You heard Wendy."  Robin buts in.    "Who put her in charge?"  Dustin asks pointing at Wendy.   "I did."   Wendy looks back at Robin and smiles.  

Nancy stands up and looks at Dustin.  "Compass?"   Dustin not happy but he finally gives them the compass and steps back from the boat.   Steve throws him backpack.  "There you go."  

Steve pushes the boat out and gets in, making them five in the boat.  Dustin is stunned.  "You said four!!"  Dustin shouts.   Steve looks back at him and whispers "Sorry."  

"Bedtime at nine, kiddos."  Robin shouts out teasingly which makes Dustin give her the middle finger.  "Miss you already."  Robin shouts back while waving which makes Wendy smile.  

They are now in the middle of the lake, still looking for the gate.  When Nancy who has the compass senses something.  "Woah, slow down, slow down."  

Wendy turns to Nancy.  "What is it?"  "I don't know but the compass is sensing something, it could be the gate."   Then the compass starts turning fast, too fast.  "Woah."  Steve lets out.  

Wendy then hears the walkie-talkie and picks it up.  It's Dustin asking what's going on.  She sighes.  "Dustin, your compass is going crazy, like a lot of crazy."  

She then looks up and sees Steve taking his socks off.   "Steve, what are you doing?" 

"Someone must go down and check this thing out.   Unless one of you four can top being a hawkins high  swim co-captain  and certified life guard for three years, then... it's gotta be me.   No complains, all right."  Steve declares.  

"Hey i'm not complaning, not at all."  Eddie comments which makes Wendy look at him and give him a look.    He looks back at her.  "What?"   She just shakes her head.   Eddie takes out a plastic bag to put it over a flashlight and gives it to Steve.  "Good luck."   Steve nods and jumps down in the water.  

They are waiting until suddenly, out of nowhere Steve jumps out of the water.  "Jesus christ."  Eddie screams out.   Wendy chuckles.   "I found it."  Steve tells them.   "You found it?"  Nancy asks in disbelief.   "Yeah, i found it."  He answers again.   Wendy nods.  "Good job"    Wendy takes up the walkie-talkie to tell the others.  "Dustin, you're a goddamn genius, Steve found the gate."  

"It's pretty wild.  It's more a snack-size gate than the mama gate , but still pretty big."   Steve tells them but suddenly he pulls down by something.   Everyone screams.  

"What the hell was that, man."  Eddie shouts.   "Steve!" Wendy shouts, terrified.  

Nancy stands up.   "Wait you're not going in there are you?"  Eddie asks her.   Nancy turns to them. "Just stay here."    With that Nancy jumps down in the water.   "Nancy!" Both Wendy and Robin screams out.  

Robin stands up.  Wendy looks at her.  "Hey, Robin what are you doing here.  Let's just stay here."  Robin looks at her and smiles "It's gonna be alright."  And there goes Robin into the water.  

Wendy doesn't waste a second to stand up,  Eddie takes her hand.  "Wendy, what the hell are you doing."  She looks at her best friend.   "I need to go after her, i'm not losing her.  I'm not losing any of them."   He shakes his head.  "No."   She smiles.  "Just stay here."  With that Wendy jumps down.   "Wendy!!"  Eddie screams. 

Eddie hates this but he is going after Wendy, they are partners in crime.   "Jesus christ."  With that Eddie jumps down.  

Wendy is simming down and she really hopes they are getting there in time to save Steve.  

She finds the opening and sees Robin and Nancy, Nancy helps her up.  She looks back and sees Eddie and smiles.   She helps him.   Nancy turns to them all.  "Let's find Steve."  They all nod.  

It doesn't take long until they hear screams, Steve's screams.   They run up and sees Steve being choked by monster bats.   "Here."  Eddie says and gives a roar to Nancy.  Wendy looks at him.  "You brough them down here?"    He shrugs.  "I thought we might need them."   Nancy smiles at him.  "Good call."   With that they run to Steve and start beating the bat off him.  

Things are finally looking good when Wendy feels something biting down on her back and she falls to the ground.  She starts screaming, it feels she's being eaten alive.  "Eddie!!"  He runs up to her and starts beating the bat off her and finally the bat flies off.    Eddie helps Wendy up.  "Are you alright."   Wendy nods but she then sees the bat coming back to finish what he started.  

She shakes her head.  "Hell no."  She takes the roar from Eddie's hand and when the boat is close enough, she hits it down and kills it.  She looks up and sees Steve is now up, she walks over to him.  

"Are you alright?"  Wendy asks him.    "Jesus H.  Christ!"  Eddie shouts.   Steve looks down at his chest.  "They took a pound of flesh but other than that never been better."  Wendy smiles, she is just glad she hasn't lost another friend.  

"Do you guys think these bats have like rabies?"  Robin out of nowhere asks.  "What?" Steve asks confused.   "It's just that rabies are like my number one fear and i think we should get you a doctor real soon because once the symptoms sets in, you're already dead."  Robin tells them.  

Wendy just smiles at her, she's so cute is all she can think.   Then they hear monster screams.  They turn and sees bats coming back their way.    They all stand close together, Eddie is holding Wendy's arm.  

the bats stops by the gate,  guarding it so they can't get out that way.   

"All right.  There is not that many, we can take them."  Steve reassures them.  

Wendy then looks up to the sky and sees a lot more bats flying their way, she looks at Steve.  "Are you sure about that?"  With that, he sighes.  

Nancy turns and sees another way for them.  "The woods, come on."  Nancy runs and the others are quickly behind her.    

All Wendy can think about is how they will get out.

Wendy, Steve, Eddie, Nancy and Robin are now in the upside down through the "watergate"  I hope you guys like this chapter and pls tell me your thoughts.  

In the middle -  Robin BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now