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My name is jas. I am currently on a boat to sneak to the United states, I am with dani and lita.

And another kid he was alone and was wearing a beige and blue hoodie I couldnt really see his face.

But then the boat had rocked and we heard foot steps and a faint voice
"Please, no no. This is a fishing boat." Then a gunshot and a thud. The footsteps were walking towards. us The door had opened.

The person who opened the door was fucking Anton Castillo

I was scared shitless.

"Before he was el presidente mi papa loved to fish. We would go on a boat just like this. And we would catch the fish and then release them. He would say"

'it's not always about your stomach mi hijo. It's about the challenge!"

"Except when he caught a big. Fat, juicy marlin. He was too proud to let that fish go-" he was cut off

"Sick tyrant you have poisoned yara! You have poisoned your son!" She got shot right away

"I have caught a very big fish today, havent I. Diego? DIEGO"

"No way." Lisa mumbled.

The boy who was wearing the hoodie was Diego Castillo.

I have caught u my son. Now it's time to bring u home"

"I dont want this anymore papa." Diego had said"

"We have no choice."

"Let them go. They can work make viviro-" he was cut off by his father saying

"Truth or lies?"

"Truth" Diego had said

"They could make good workers. They could help rebuild paradise," the rest he had said to only Diego I couldnt hear

"Thirteen years old, and Diego has such compassion for his people!These fish. We will catch and release"

After he had said that he went straight upstairs to the top of the boat.

Lita and dani were talking I wasnt listening I was to shocked.

Then as soon as lita and dani were dragging me away the boat got shot the boat was flooding. As soon as that happens I was knocked unconscious

I was on a beach dani was waking me to conciousness. Lita was just laying there still. We were walking gonna go find some woman named clara when we heard a gun load

Gonna show me ur face before u shoot me? I'm dani a friend of lita"

"Shut up"


"So ur the only survivors?"
The girl who I assumed was clara had asked.

"Answer me. I said are u the only survivors?"


"Lucky" some guy named Julio had said

"Lita knew the risks." Clara said

"That's all u have to say!?" Dani asked

"You're here that what matters"

"Just a second sister. I'm getting the hell out of yara." Dani said

"Well you're in my camp" clara had said

"I need a place to stay. A few days"

"Libertads no charity sister" clara had said

"Lita said you'd help." Dani said

"Lita also said u weren't a pussy" Clara said

"Asshole" dani said

Then some guy tried knocking her with his gun but she was ready and did what he tried to do to her and took the gun.

She had pointed it at clara.

"You're an orphan sí? Funny how friends can be closer then family. Remember castillo has kept u an orphan" clara added to her question

I've watched castillo order a whole boat of our people shot to death. Get as far away as u can from that psychopath. All of u.

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