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After I was captured dani tried to get off the island to yanqui beach

For my "safety and hers"

Then Juan started talking about the boat and how it was a beautiful piece of shit and about the beach. Didn't really listen to the rest I just stared at the water.

Once they were done talking I just walked off to go sit somewhere.
Dani chose not to go to miami and stay so she went to Clara to talk.


I finally got to go with dani for a mission. We went to go see this philly guy.

We got there and I zoned out again
(Ik right were literally the best) ya I zoned out for a few minutes until I heard a big explosion

Dani got sent a few feet from a little switch,

She got up and started talking to this philly

After that dani started talking to him again.

He was talking real sassy tho.😛

I was finally paying attention to the conversation

He was talking about how we need Carlos montero.

"Okay take me to him" dani said

"No no no no, step one philly needs to love u, step two baby Montero needs to love u." Philly said

"Baby Montero?" Dani questioned.

" Si. The.." he was cut off by a car horn.

"Come on chorizo let's go buddy." He called to chorizo the little wiener dog

Then he continued on.

"La espada his daughter,
you know last time I heard she went to hit that outcast plantation east of here."

She likes u ur in, but good luck finding her, La Espada's. Oh man, she's a fiera."

He said

"Oh oh oh next time I see u I wanna play with that crazy backpack. Deal?"

"No." Dani said quite bluntly

"Well then dont let the poison get u down" he said

Dani chuckled "fucking comedian"

                       Time skip😜

We made it to where espada was there was a bunch of bodys sliced up when we made it to where espada was she straight up threw a knife at us.

I ducked dani had caught the knife

"Who the fuck are u?"

Then dani introduced herself and asked

"You baby montero?"

The soldier chuckled "baby montero?"

Espada hit him for that

"Fucking philly" Espada said

"I need to talk to your father, Clara wants to make a deal." Dani said

Clara's name dont mean shit around here." Espada said

"U work for Clara Garcia? Ur Carlos Monteros daughter. Please dont kill me" he said with fear in his voice

Espada had both punched and kicked him and asked.

"Tell me where your lieutenant went!"

He didn't answer

Espada stabbed him in  the leg and he yelled out

"Cayo villareal! Cayo villareal!" Its Jose's private island."

Dani budded in and asked "that what u need?"

"No but its enough" Espada said

"And him?" dani asked

"And he's gonna tell his boss Jose castillo that I'm gonna kill all of his lieutenants one by one, that's for fun"

Espada said.

Then I'm going to free all of the outcasts making that bullshit tobacco that's for my people."

"And he's gonna tell jose that I'm going to split his throat right here"

I feel like I should write this down" the Soldier Said

"Just tell that short little pig fuck that the sword was here" Espada said

And that we left but then the alarms went off.

UGH IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO WRITE THIS (I'm lazy asf) luv all y'all tho😘🖕

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