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I am currently walking around isla santuario I cant go on missions with dani.

I was walking around till I found a boat. I thought "why not sail to valle de oro"

So I set sail to valle de oro. I gotta be careful tho. Castillo's fucking army is roaming around.

And I dont wanna get caught.
I got to get back before dani or I'll get in shit for leaving the island.

I arrived valle de oro. I started walking around but there is so many of Anton's army around patrolling. It's scary.

I had started walking around again but as soon as I could start walking someone hit me with the butt of there gun.

Time skipppp

I was woken up by a pain in my head.
And guards talking to eachother.

But then I heard his voice.

Anton fucking castillo.

I swear I couldnt tell if my headache was from the gun or his voice.

Anton went on about fake yarans and real yarans. Until he came up to me. then he started talking about dogs and shi.

"And if a dog refuses to break, like jas here, like clara García, like libertad.. then we must put them down."

Then the guard had grabbed my arm and started punching me.

Until diego spoke up
"Papá you've proved your point."
"Put Jas down." anton said to diego

"This is a difficult step to paradise Mijo. I understand. But when I acheive our vision, I promise u. There will be no more steps." Anton spoke to diego

I was just sitting there eyes closed waiting for the shot. It never came.

Diego just looked down with the gun pointed down aswell.

"Fine then enjoy the show the guard had started punching me again kicking me aswell.

Time skippp

Luckily dani and libertad came for me I wouldve been dead if it weren't for them. But I knew I was gonna get in alot of shit for leaving the island. So I just say there and listened to dani.

But I'm still confused diego wouldnt kill me.

I'm sorry this sucks I don't really speak English that well😛

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