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Dani had talked to the old man,Carlos Montero was his name, he was cutting a crocs head off and threw it off the table

He wanted Dani to destroy the "poison"
Burn it, kill everyone working there,

I wanted to help I could throw pretty good so she gave me a Molotov and grenades and a pistol to defend myself,

As soon as we got there Dani went straight to shooting and I had thrown Molotov at at least three containers full of  the "poison"

Using my pistol occasionally,

Then a fumigater snuck up on me and started spraying there "poison" i didn't know what to do so I ran then I realized the tanks on there back are full of poison, and could blow up with fire, so I threw  a Molotov at them,

I didn't know what to do about poison that I had breathed in,

                            Time skip

At our last one we had to destroy tanks full of the "poison" and planes luckily the planes were not being used but it was still a pain in the ass, 
Making our way back to the camp Carlos asked us to go get  a guy named Miguel we needed a prison truck,

Anytime we're on the highway near the camp there's always a truck there or making its way through the highway

                             Time skip

We made our way to the gas station but I needed a gun a pistol wasn't going to cut it so I asked Dani

"Dani"  "ya?"
"I need  a bigger gun"

"Like what?" " an assault rifle maybe"

" ok just be careful with it"

Once we got to the prison Dani wanted me to run around and fuck with the guards to buy her some time, I found an alarm it needed to be disabled I didn't want to do any more work right now,

I needed to find the rest alarms cause I know for a fact no prison would just have 1 alarm

I took the alarms out took out some guards


As soon as Dani got Miguel out I got shot in the leg



Dani came running over with Miguel,

"Oh fuck jas  are u okay?!"

" does it look like it?!"

Dani called a car and raced to the camp getting me a first aid kit

                         Time skip

I was feeling better I had to stay at the camp for a few days because of the Injury

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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