Chapter 34: The sun has risen (7)

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“It is oddly quiet.”

Choi Han’s gaze moved after hearing the voice.

“Seriously, it is too quiet.”

Zero ruffled through his disheveled hair as he looked around.

“…It’s weird.”

Nobody objected to his comment.

Chief Eaen, who had said that they would now be entering the enemy’s territory, could not tell Zero to be quiet.

‘Something is weird.’

She too felt a mysterious sense of déjà vu and could not enter into the enemy’s territory.

She was hesitating.

‘Nothing is different from what Imperial Princess Olivia told us.’

According to the Imperial Princess’s explanation, the lake and the area around the black tree was silent at first.

She said that the tree monster suddenly started attacking once they approached the black tree.

“This… I don’t think we can go in there right away?”

Eaen kept her mouth shut after Zero approached her and made that comment.

Why could they not enter despite the situation being as Imperial Princess Olivia explained?

The reason was simple.

“What the hell is the monster planning?”

The monster had sent its roots to attack the wall not too long ago.

However, it was now pretending not to know anything; it was pretending to be a silent lake and a beautiful tree.

“How despicable.”

Most of the people in the group agreed with Zero.

Choi Han quickly looked around the area.

‘I don’t see any vines either.’

The large lake and the area around it…

The starlight and the beautiful night sky were shining down in that area.

‘I don’t see any corpses.’

There were no corpses like candidate 17’s corpse they had just seen.

‘That means that this monster took care of the corpses as well.’

However, the monster had left candidate 17’s corpse behind.

That could only mean one thing.

‘It was used as a sign.’

This large tree that was a bit larger than the Lord’s Castle had used candidate 17’s corpse to have the attack team come find it.


Choi Han barely held himself back from scoffing.

‘It truly is despicable.’

This monster was despicable and shrewd as Zero mentioned.

That was why Chief Eaen was scared.

‘I’m basically a grain of sand compared to the size of that monster’s body that is visible right now.’

The black tree at the center of the lake…

There were basically no roots showing right now.

The roots that were long enough to attack the wall from here were not visible right now.

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