Part 35

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Allison's POV

I open my eyes and notice I'm back once again in the hospital wing.

God why do I always end up here.

I just realised I haven't taken my meds in like a week.

I'm alive so should I take them or should I stop.

I don't need them for 'trauma' saying that I know she's alive.

But should I or shouldn't I?

I will just talk to madam promfrey about it.

"Princess, how do you feel?" Mattheo says softly

"I'm fine, but I don't want to go to lessons" I say

"Lucky for you, I'm making sure you get bed rest for the rest of today" he says

"Allie" Jake says

"Yes Jake"

"Why did you jump?" He asks

"Just felt like it" I say

"Are you serious" he says

"No I'm Allison. Anyway no I normally jump off my broom in games and then I call my broom but for some reason I couldn't call me broom. It's like my mouth was glued shut"

"Please don't jump off your broom" he says

"But it looks cool" I say

"Allison" he says warning me

"Jake" I say with a smirk

"I'm not doing this. Go to your room and rest" he says walking away

"LOVE YOU" I shout

He just ignores me

"How rude" I say to Mattheo

"I know right. Let's get you to your room then" he says

"Sure" I say getting up

"Doyouwanttogoonadatewithmelater" he says

"Pardon" I say

"Never mind" he sighs

"No tell me" I say

"Do you want to go on a date with me later?"

"I would love to"

He looks shocked "really"

"Yes of course I would"

"How about 7" he says

"Sure, is there a theme" I say

"Dress nicely" he says

"When do I ever not dress nicely" I say

"Never but that's the theme" he says

Hours later

Mattheo's POV

It's about 4 hours to the date,

I've left Allie to get ready while i set everything up.

But before I do that I need to find a load of people.

Lessons have finished so I have no clue where everyone is.

I head down to the common room and look to see if I can see anyone I need.

That's when I spot a short first year.

I walk over to her, she's with her brothers and Jace's friends

"Hey nova" I say behind her

"Hey Mattheo" she says turning to me

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