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Hi there, I decided to rewrite High Heels and Pink Glitter, a book I published only on Wattpad way, way back in 2018. Apologies if you've read it before but the new version is much better (I hope!). 

Anyway, the book is dedicated to YOU - my lovely Wattpad readers, who read, comment and vote, and say nice things. Honestly, it keeps me going. 

A quick word on the cover... I'm not very artistic, nor at all skilled in graphic design but I'm quite pleased with the cover I made for the book. Here's how I did it...

I created the couple image using Midjourney (an AI artwork tool). You feed the system with prompts and it gives you an image. I can't remember the exact prompts but I asked for a couple in their late 30s, a glamorous woman side on, a man not facing her, hyper-realistic, urban/night-time setting, etc.

 I can't remember the exact prompts but I asked for a couple in their late 30s, a glamorous woman side on, a man not facing her, hyper-realistic, urban/night-time setting, etc

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Then, I used the background eraser feature in Canva to remove the image background. I used the Wattpad book cover template in Canva for the cover, and searched through pink backgrounds to find the one I wanted.  

I added a glitter effect, the  title (heading) and then my name (sub-heading) and put a shadow on both to make the wording stand out a little more. Chick lit/romance novels typically use serif fonts, i.e. serif is a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a larger stroke in a letter or symbol. One of the most common used serif fonts is Times New Roman, while Arial is one of the better-known sans-serif fonts.

 All in all, the cover took me about ten minutes, with most of the time spent trying to figure out how to work Midjourney. While the latter is very quick, it's also very confusing and I've still to master making alterations.

The picture below is one I created for another book (Forever, maybe) where I asked for couple in their 40s, sitting on a bed, looking unhappy, hyper-realistic, etc. Check out the hands...

(The picture's so grim, I decided against using it.)

Anyway, I hope you found the explanation informative! 

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Anyway, I hope you found the explanation informative! 

High Heels & Pink Glitter (the heavily edited version)Where stories live. Discover now