So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

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Hello there, sweet, lovely reader... I am calling it quits on this novel. Something I hate doing because you have invested your time and emotion in this story, but I botched the rewrite and need to rearrange a lot of the chapters I've already written.

I don't want to upload any further chapters here in the meantime because I have several novels that fall into the category of 'in desperate need of serious revision, do it now and stop procrastinating', and this book is way down that list, so I wouldn't be able to update for months.

If you're curious, this version of High Heels and Pink Glitter relates the story's ending in roughly the way that I intended. Read it from When You're the Rebound onwards.

If you're a writer, Savannah Glibo's webpage on how to write romance is incredibly helpful

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If you're a writer, Savannah Glibo's webpage on how to write romance is incredibly helpful. When I rewrite High Heels and Pink Glitter for the zillionth time, I'll reverse engineer the story using her 'how to outline romance' guide.

As 2023 went on, I came to a few conclusions. I LOVE writing, and I'm incredibly grateful to all of you who read, vote and comment on my works. Unfortunately, I do not make money on this platform; I had a very bruising experience with Wattpad Studios and the back and forth with the audio/visual rights to my book Highland Fling, and I can no longer afford to offer free content. I'm leaving a few of my books here for people to read for free, but no new works will be added in 2024.

Thank you, darlings, for making my time here so rewarding. It always gave me such a glow to see the same people voting and commenting on my books. I apologise for not always remembering to thank you individually. I wish you all the best of luck for the future.

Love, Emma X

High Heels & Pink Glitter (the heavily edited version)Where stories live. Discover now