What do We do?

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Kageyama's pov:
It's been about 17 hours since we lost Tsukishima. Hinata's lost all control, pacing around the room like a mad man. Suva's been crying, worried about both of them, Daichi's trying to calm down Suga.

Yamaguchi has been calling Tsukishima for the last 5 hours, Tanaka has been looking around for Tsukishima with Nishinoya and Asahi. And I've been trying to contact anyone that is related to Tsukishima.

"GUYS!" Nishinoya burst through the door with Tanaka and Asahi behind him. We all look at them. "What now?" Suga asked hoping Nisinoya found Tsukishima.

"We might have a clue where he is!" Tanaka yells. Hinata ran up to them. "WHERE! SHOW ME NOW!" He yelled, grabbing Tanaka by the collar of his shirt.

"Alright, alright!" Tanaka says, putting his hands up, surrendering. We all walk out and follow the three. "So while we were looking around we ended up finding a jacket."

Asahi picks up the jacket that was in the forest. "It just so happens to be the one Tsukishima was wearing before he ran off." Nishinoya added. "So our guess is that he ran off into the forest and is now resting there." Tanaka said.

All of our eyes widen, Hinata was the first to run into the forest. We all followed behind. "Hinata! Wait up!!" We yell.

Hinata stopped in his tracks hours later. We all catch up, panting a lot, "Hi-nata. Wha-t's wrong?" Suga asks. Hinata turns around tears in his eyes.

He's holding an object that looks to be crushed. "His phone..... He destroyed it.." He said, holding the phone out for us to see, you could tell it was him that did it because it looked stomped on and the card was taken out.

"How do you know it's his phone?" Asahi asked, I mean, we don't even know if he did destroy it. "Look." Hinata turned the phone around, showing the phone case.

It indeed was his phone, the phone case even said it. "So he was here.." I said, looking around. "TSUKISHIMA!!!" Nishinoya-senpai yells, sooner or later we all started yelling his name.

We spent hours, literally hours screaming out Tsukishima's name. We ended up getting nowhere, and lost in the forest. We had no clue what to do and we were scared for not only ourselves, but Tsukishima too.

That's the end of this chapter thing! Nice cliffhanger right? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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