Chapter 39

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Allison POV
I'm guessing right now you are freaking out probably wondering what is going on and why I left you at a cliff hanger, well now you don't have to wait...

Yes I do have a twin sister and yes I knew that I had one.

Does anyone else know about my twin sister?

Well my real mom and my dad know, but not Austin.

See what happened was when my mom had my sister and I she thought my sister died, because my dad told her that only one of us made it.

When honestly he told the doctor to keep my sister at the hospital and they were going to put her up for adoption.

My dad told me that he barely could take care of Austin and I so that's why he got a divorce with Lisa and she took Austin and my dad took me.

So now since I found out who my real mom is I'm guessing my dad had to take care of me when she was at college.

And she couldn't take care of Austin and 2 new born babies.

Well anyway the last time I got to see my sister was a few years ago.

I saw her at the mall and she was hanging out with some boy.

To be honest, she is the bad girl and I'm the good girl.

And she doesn't have talent and I do.

Basically, she is like the ugly duckling (but she is my identical twin) or the black sheep between me and her.

And I'm not allowed to see her and I'm guessing that since she kidnapped me that she needs to talk to me for some reason.

I'm 28 seconds older than her because I was the one who came out first.

Oh and her name is Abigail.

Yeah my parents kinda have the thing for "A" names.

Austin, Allison, and Abigail.

And if I hadn't said it before Abigail looks exactly like me bc she is my identical twin.

So anyway that's a little info so you now know about my twin sister, so let's get back to reality now.

"Abigail, you know I'm not supposed to see you. " I said.

" I know, but I want to see the other half of me. Well technically I guess you were born 28 seconds before me. " Abigail said.

" Abigail, what do you want? I know you want something just tell me." I said.

" I want to live your life for a while. I want to know how it feels to live the GLAMOROUS life of Allison Mahone. " Abigail said.

" Haha. How are you going to do that?" I asked.

" Simple. Allie here is going to watch you while I live your life for a while. It's easy no one will recognize that it's me. Twin sissy."Abigail fakes laugh.

Btw: she is a fake bitch. She wears make up like a clown.

Idk how she is going to pull this thing off. She will soon regret this decision.

Austin will know because he's my brother.

Taylor will know bc him and I are best friends and we have a secret code so we know if each of us are legit.

Becky G, well I'm not being racist, but she can sense things out. She'll know it's not me.

Matthew, that's a different story...

" So are you going to go live my "glamorous" life now? " I asked.

" Yeah, I just gotta take your clothes. " Abigail said.

She takes my clothes off and puts her clothes on me.

So I look like her and she looks like me.

" Before I go, is there anything I need to know so I can pull this off?" Abigail asked.

" Nah, just try not to act like a fake bitch. So then you are more like me. " I said smiling.

And then bam the door shuts and she then gone.

Good luck bitch!

Austin POV
Now all of us are here.

All the Magcon gang is here, Becky, and the Pauls even showed up too.

I'm freaking out with Taylor rn him and I are pacing back and forth.

Then the door opens and we stop and look at who it was.


" Allison! " I yelled.

Taylor and I run over to give her a hug, but Taylor beats me to it.

" Oh Allison, you scared all of us. Don't do that again. " Taylor said.

" Yeah, that really scared the shit out of me." I said.

I gave Allison a hug and she wrapped her arms around me, but I got got a weird feeling.

I pulled away and looked at her for a while.

Something is different I don't know what it is.

Allison gives me another glance and walks in the living room to see everyone else.

I grab Taylor's arm and pulled him away so we could talk privately.

" Taylor, there is something different about Allison. " I said.

" Why do you say that? " Taylor asked.

Then bam I thought of something to prove it to Taylor.

" Look at her. She's walking, before I left she had a broken ankle." I said.

Taylor stops and looks at her. A worried look covers his face.

" Then something is wrong Austin, that's not Allison. And there is another thing that I can prove to see its not Allison. " Taylor said.

Taylor POV
Something is not right about "Allison"

I walked over to her and the others so I could talk to her.

" Hey, Allison. Can I talk to you please? " Taylor asked.

" Yeah, of course. " Allison said.

Her and I walk back to where Austin and I were at.

"Fo Fo is..?" I said.

" Fo Fo what are you talking about? " Allison asked.

" Fo Fo? You don't remember? " I asked.

" Um I don't recall of "Fo Fo" sorry. " Allison said.

She walked away from me and I turned to look at Austin.

" That's not Allison. She didn't remember our code. And Allison always remembers it. " I said.

" So then who could it be?" I asked to myself.

Thanks for reading this!

Idk what to say. I don't want to spoil anything.




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