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Everyone got up and walked around. Some went into groups to talk, and others walked into a game room.

San and I walked over to Hongjoong and Seonghwa.

"Hey." San said. We all hugged.

"So, how's it going with the producers?" I asked them.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa submitted that song they wrote into a competition and were scouted. They ended up signing a contract with a company.

"Good now. He's finally starting to understand us." Hongjoong said.

"How's it going at your company?" Seonghwa asked San.

"Great. I have my own office, it pays well, it's close to home, and my coworkers are great." San smiled.

"I'm really happy to hear that, San." Hongjoong smiled.

"How's school going?" Seonghwa asked me.

"Really well. I'm having so much fun learning how to season things and cook things the right way to bring out their full flavor." I said.

"Aren't you graduating soon?" Hongjoong asked.

"Next year. Then I'm applying to restaurants nearby, and once I have enough skill, I will be climbing the food chain." I said, determined.

(Haha, food chain, a pun, I didn't even mean to do that)

"I believe in you!" Seonghwa said.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"It was great catching up with you guys. Talk later." San said. We walked away. I went over to Yunho.

"Hey." I said, smiling.

"Hey." He smiled.

"So is it true you're a dance teacher now?" I asked.

"Yeah. I've loved dancing since I was young. This job makes me so happy and actually excited to go to work." He said passionately.

"I'm happy you found your calling." I said.

"I'm happy you did as well." He said.

"I'll cook for you anytime." I joked.

"Please do. San has sent pictures of the dinners you make, and it looks amazing." Yunho said.

"Okay, I'm gonna go say hi to Yeosang before it's time to play duck duck goose." I said. Yunho nodded, and I walked off to find Yeosang.

He was in the room playing. Who is it with Mingi.

"Hey, you two." I said, sitting down with them.

"Hey." Yeosang said.

"How have you two been?" I asked.

"Good. I found a company to work for, and I'm doing great." Mingi said.

"Me too. I went to school, and there I got an internship that turned into a job when I graduated." Yeosang said.

"Wow, that's great." I said.

"How are you and San?" Mingi asked.

"Us? We're great. San is a great and thoughtful man. I love him more than you think is possible." I said, smiling.

"I'm glad he found you." Yeosang said. I smiled softly at his words.

Wooyoung came running upstairs.


Everyone went downstairs and followed Wooyoung outside. We all sat in a circle and literally played duck duck go...

When that was over, we played mafia and Hongjoong, and Jongho destroyed us.

Finally, onto the last game of the night at almost 12 am.

"Now. Hide and seek in the dark." Izzy said.

"I will be the seeker since it's my house, and I know all the best hiding spots." Wooyoung said.

"Isn't that why you're supposed to be a hider?" Seonghwa asked.

"Nope. Get creative. I know these spots well." Wooyoung said.

"Hiders have two minutes to hide. I'll blow the whistle, and then Wooyoung is on the hunt." Izzy said.

"Everyone ready?" Wooyoung asked.

"YES!" We all cheered.

"Count down starts NOW!" Izzy said, starting the timer. Wooyoung turned around, and we all took off running into the house.

Hongjoong and Jongho took off upstairs. Mingi and Yeosang ran to the kitchen. Seonghwa hid himself behind a curtain in the living room. San ran to the front door.

I ran into the kitchen and saw Mingi climbing into the pantries highest shelf. Jongho stuffed himself inside the cupboard. I went into the garage and hid in an empty box. After a little while, I heard a whistle blowing.

Wooyoung is coming.

It was quiet for a while. Until I heard Mingi scream and burst out laughing. Then Jongho cried out, surprised.

I heard the door open to the garage and footsteps walking around. I looked through the boxes handle holes and watched a shadowy figure peer into the car, and checked under it. He looked around a little more and left.

After a while, there was a loud thud above me and a scream as someone was caught. I forgot how scary it is being a hider.

I sat comfortably in my box for a while. But he came back. This time, he saw my box, and he kicked it. Feeling the weight in the box, he opened the lid and put his hand on my leg.

"I got you." He said. I stayed quiet, hoping he'd be fooled, but he grabbed my leg and pulled me out of the box. I screamed and started laughing. He set me gently on the ground.

"Okay, that makes 4." He said. I followed him out of the garage and waited with Mingi Jongho and Yeosang outside.

After a while, Seonghwa came out and sat with us.

After him Hongjoong was found.

Yunho was next.

San was last. The winner.

"Ugh, that was so much fun." I said smiling.

"It's way more fun than hide and seek." San said.

"We should only play hide and seek with the lights off." Mingi said.

"I agree with that." Yunho said.

"I got to hide in plain sight, and he didn't see me for 15 minutes." Seonghwa smiled.

"Os everyone ready for the costume contest?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, let's get this started!" Hongjoong said.

"I think I have a real chance this year." Mingi joked.

We all headed inside and gathered around the makeshift stage. That's really just two tables put together.

"Let's begin!" Wooyoung said.

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